Animeta! (アニメタ!) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yaso Hanamura. It began serialization in Kodansha's Morning Two [ja] magazine in June 2015. As of January 2020, the series' individual chapters have been collected into five volumes.
Written and illustrated by Yaso Hanamura, a former animator, the series began serialization in Kodansha's Morning Two [ja] magazine on June 22, 2015.[2][3] The magazine ceased print publication and moved to a digital release starting on August 4, 2022.[4][5] As of January 2020, the series' individual chapters have been collected into five tankōbon volumes.[6]
In December 2018, J-Novel Club announced that they licensed the series for English publication.[7]
Rebecca Silverman from Anime News Network praised the story and illustrations; she felt the story offered a great insight into the anime industry.[13] Demelza from Anime UK News also praised the story and illustrations, favorably comparing the tone to that of Complex Age.[14] Kazuya Masumoto of Studio Trigger felt the story was realistic and recommended the series to anyone interested in seeing how the anime industry works.[1]