The current color definition has been in place since a change in brand guidelines on Aug 22, 2019. Part of this change included the color of the android robot logo and therefore a change to the definition of android green.[2][3] The color was changed to be more accessible to the colorblind, citing that " isn’t exactly an optimal color for a global brand. The most common form of colorblindness is red-green colorblindness, which can make certain shades of green hard to see."[3]
The prior definition of android green was a yellow-green color #A4C639 (PMS 376C in print).[4][5] During the initial creation of the android logo, first released on November 5, 2007, #A4C639 was selected by the original designer of the android logo, Irina Blok, "...because it reminded (us of a) nostalgic code color, and it would stand out against dark background."[5]Code color probably refers to the color of text in Monochrome monitors, derived from the green "P1" phosphor.[6]