Heinecke worked as a journalist and documentalist at a southwestern German radio station in the 1970s and 1980s.[2][6] He later became an active Osher Fellow of the Exploratorium, a science and technology museum in San Francisco, from February to March 2019.[5]
In 1988, Heinecke became deputy director of the Foundation for the Blind in Frankfurt, where he launched Dialogue in the Dark that same year. Since then, Dialogue in the Dark exhibitions and business workshops have been hosted worldwide and are established independently through a social franchise system.[6]
Heinecke directed Dialogue in Silence in 1997, which was intended as a complementary experience to Dialogue in the Dark. Accompanied by hearing-impaired guides and trainers, participants are given noise-cancelling headphones and encouraged to explore various forms of non-verbal communication.
In 2009, Heinecke and 3 others founded Dialogue Social Enterprise GmbH.[6] One of its three current programs is Dialogue with Time, with guides aged 70 or above. He and his wife Orna Cohen developed the interactive exhibition, which opened in Israel August of 2012.
Mariano Gago Ecsite Sustainable Success Award (2017)[15]
Selected publications
Heinecke, Andreas (1990): Das Ostjudentum im Werk von José Orabuena. Frankfurt am Main: Lang (Europäische Hochschulschriften Reihe 1, 1182)[16]
Heinecke, Andreas (2007): Public-Private-Partnership, öffentlicher Dienst und soziales Unternehmertum. Chancen und Risiken. In: Achleitner, Ann-Kristin (Ed.): Finanzierung von Sozialunternehmern. Konzepte zur finanziellen Unterstützung von Social Entrepreneurs. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel (Handelsblatt-Bücher), pp. 160–167[17]
Heinecke, Andreas (2008): Jenseits der Dinge. Zur Gegenständlichkeit des Immateriellen. In: Deutsche Arbeitsschutzausstellung; Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (Ed.): Szenografie in Ausstellungen und Museen. Essen: Klartext, pp. 18–27[18]
Heinecke, Andreas (2009): Dialogue in the Dark. In: Earl Steele, Philip; Obem, Anna; Starzyńska, Dorota (Ed./Ashoka Publication): Creating Change. Innovations in the World of Disability. Warschau, Friends of Integration Association, pp. 46–51,[19]
Heinecke, Andreas (2009): Dialog im Dunkeln – Ausstellungen als soziale Unternehmen. In: Rousseau, Manuela und Reifurth, Katharina: Fundraising- Management, Methoden und Instrumente. KMM Hamburg. Institut für Kultur- und Medienmanagement p. 252-262[20]
Co-author and led by Heinecke (2011): The Social Investment Manual A Guide for Social Entrepreneurs[21]
Co-author and led by Heinecke (2012): Governance of Social Enterprises A guidebook to corporate governance of social enterprises[22]
Heinecke, A., (2012), Why Can You Not Do Good and Earn Well? Social Entrepreneurs Caught in a Moral Conflict, in Corporate Governance in the New Normal, SID Conference Paper[23]
Heinecke, A. & Mayer, J. (2012), Strategies for Scaling in Social Entrepreneurship, in: Social Entrepreneurship and Social Business, Volkmann C., Tokarski K.O., Ernst, K. (Editors), 191-209[24]
^Achleitner, Ann-Kristin; Heinecke, Andreas; Mayer, Judith; Noble, Abigail; Schöning, Mirjam (2012). "The Governance of Social Enterprises: Managing your Organization for Success". doi:10.2139/ssrn.2018937. SSRN2018937.