In L'Homme et la matière [Man and Matter] (1943), Leroi-Gourhan proposes the concept of technical tendencies, that is, universal technical dynamics that operate independently of the ethnic groupings which are nevertheless the only forms through which these tendencies are concretised. The concretisation of the technical tendency in a particular ethnicity he calls a technical fact.
In Milieu et techniques [Environment and Techniques] (1945), Leroi-Gourhan develops this into a general theory of the relation between the technical (as universal tendency) and the ethnic (as specific, differentiated concretisation).[3] The human group, according to Leroi-Gourhan, behaves as though it were a living organism, assimilating its exterior milieu via "a curtain of objects", which he also calls an "interposed membrane" and an "artificial envelope", that is, technology. The milieu of the organism is divisible into the exterior milieu (geography, climate, animals and vegetation) and the interior milieu (the shared past of the group, thus "culture", etc.). This division enables a clarification of the concept of technical tendency. A tendency, according to Leroi-Gourhan, is a movement, within the interior milieu, that gains progressive foothold in the exterior milieu.
Crucial to Leroi-Gourhan's understanding of human evolution is the notion that the transition to bipedality freed the hands for grasping, and the face for gesturing and speaking, and thus that the development of the cortex, of technology, and of language all follow from the adoption of an upright stance.[5] What characterises humanity in its distinction from animals is thus the fact that tools and technology are a third kind of memory (in addition to the genetic memory contained in DNA and the individual memory of the nervous system), and thus a new form of anticipation, or programming. Anthropogenesis corresponds to technogenesis.
The French philosopher Jacques Derrida discusses Leroi-Gourhan in Of Grammatology (Baltimore & London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997, corrected edition), in particular the concepts of "exteriorisation", "program", and "liberation of memory." This discussion was particularly important in the formulation of Derrida's neologism, différance.
Leroi-Gourhan is frequently cited in the two volume collaboration by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze and psychiatrist Félix Guattari entitled Capitalism and Schizophrenia. The hand/tool and face/vocalization couplings of Leroi-Gourhan play an important role in the development of Deleuze and Guattari's concepts of becoming and deterritorialisation.
L'Homme et la matière (Paris: Albin Michel, 1943).
Milieu et techniques (Paris: Albin Michel, 1945).
Le geste et la parole, 2 vols. (Paris: Albin Michel, 1964–65).
Les religions de la Préhistoire (Paris: PUF, 1964).
Préhistoire de l'art occidental (Paris: Mazenod, 1965).
Mécanique vivante: Le crâne des Vertébrés, du Poisson à l'Homme (Paris: Fayard, 1983).
English translations
Prehistoric Man (New York: Philosophical Library, 1957) (an earlier translation of The Hunters of Prehistory: see below).
Treasures of Prehistoric Art (New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1967).
The Dawn of European Art: An Introduction to Palaeolithic Cave Painting (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982).
Gesture and Speech (Cambridge, Massachusetts & London: MIT Press, 1993).
The Hunters of Prehistory. Trans. Claire Jacobson. New York: Atheneum, 1989 [1983].
André Leroi-Gourhan on Technology: A Selection of Writings from the 1930s to the 1960s. Edited by Nathan Schlanger; translated by Nils F. Schott. New York: Bard Graduate Center, 2024.
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Martinelli, B., 1988, « Après Leroi-Gourhan : les chemins de la technologie », in : André Leroi-Gourhan ou les voies de l'homme, Actes du colloque CNRS, Paris, Albin Michel.
Martinelli, B., 2005, "Style, technique et esthétique en anthropologie", in B. Martinelli (éd.), L'interrogation du style, Aix-en-Provence, Publications de Provence.
Moro Abadíam, Oscar & Eduardo Palacio-Pérez, 2015, "Rethinking the Structural Analysis of Palaeolithic Art: New Perspectives on Leroi-Gourhan's Structuralism," Cambridge Archaeological Journal 25(3):1-16. DOI 10.1017/S0959774315000086
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