Portuguese political scientist (1961–2024)
André Freire
Freire in 2012
Born (1961-04-25 ) 25 April 1961Died 30 October 2024(2024-10-30) (aged 63) Alma mater ISCTE-IUL Occupation Academic Employer(s) ISCTE-IUL, CIES-IUL
André Freire (25 April 1961 – 30 October 2024) was a Portuguese academic who was Full Professor of Political Science at ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon University Institute , and a senior researcher at CIES-IUL .
Life and career
Freire was a Full Professor of Political Science at ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon University Institute .,[ 1] and a senior researcher at CIES-IUL ,[ 2] where he was also the Director of the Observatory for Democracy and Political Representation.[ 3] He conducted research in the fields of Political Behaviour and Political Attitudes[ 4] (both on voters and political representatives), Political Representation, Political Elites and Political Institutions,[ 5] both at the national and international levels. He lectured about these topics and also has several publications in different languages in books, book chapters and articles in academic periodicals.[ 6] Freire received several awards and scholarships related to his research.[ 7]
Moreover, Freire collaborated with several publications in the Portuguese press, on a regular basis with the Público [ 8] (2006 to 2016) and the Jornal de Letras [ 9] (2017 to 2021) newspapers, having also been a political commentator on televisions (RTP,[ 10] TVI[ 11] and SIC[ 12] ), radios (Antena 1,[ 13] TSF,[ 14] etc.) and other newspapers (DN,[ 15] Expresso,[ 16] Jornal I,[ 17] Económico,[ 18] Jornal de Negócios,[ 19] etc.).
Civically, he was a member of the National Union of Higher Education (SNESup)[ 20] and supported several manifestos[ 21] and petitions,[ 22] namely defending the collaboration among the Portuguese left-wing parties to govern,[ 23] since the 2009 Portuguese legislative elections .
He participated in the blog Ladrões de Bicicletas [ 24] (in English: «Bicycle Thieves »), from 2007 to 2010, and was a co-creator of the blog A Vaca Voadora [ 25] (in English: «The Flying Cow »), where he participated since 2016 until his death.
Freire died from complications of surgery on 30 October 2024, at the age of 63.[ 26]
Selected publications
Books (author)
Freire, André (2006), Esquerda e Direita na Política Europeia. Portugal, Espanha e Grécia em Perspectiva Comparada , Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais; English translation: Left and Right in European Politics. Portugal, Spain and Greece in Comparative Perspective (2006)
March, Luke, and Freire, André (2012), A Esquerda Radical em Portugal e na Europa: Marxismo, Mainstream ou Marginalidade? , Porto, Quid Novi; English translation: The Radical Left in Portugal and Europe: Marxism, Mainstream or Marginality? (2012)
Freire, André (2017), Para lá da «Geringonça»: O Governo de Esquerdas em Portugal e na Europa , Lisboa, Contraponto; English translation: Beyond the «Contraption»: The Leftist Government in Portugal and Europe (2017)
Freire, André (2022), Left and Right. Meaning and Correlates in Long Consolidated and New Democracies , Moldova: Eliva Press.
Books (editor)
Freire, André, Marina Costa Lobo & Pedro Magalhães (editors) (2007), Portugal at the Polls. The 2002 Legislative Elections , Lanham, MD: Lexington.
Freire, André (editor) (2011), Eleições e Sistemas Eleitorais no século XX Português: Um Balanço Histórico e Comparativo , Lisboa, Colibri; English translation: Elections and Electoral Systems on the Portuguese XX century: An Historical and Comparative balance (2011)
Freire, André (editor) (2012), O Sistema Político Português, séculos XIX-XXI: Continuidades e Ruturas , Coimbra, Almedina; English translation: The Portuguese Political System, centuries XIX-XXI: Continuities and Ruptures (2012)
Freire, André, Mélany Barragan, Xavier Coler, Marco Lisi & Emmanouil Tsatsanis (editors) (2020), Political representation in Southern Europe and Latin America: Before and After the Great Recession and the Commodity Crisis , Edited volume for Routledge book series “Routledge Research on Social and Political Elites”.
Lisi, Marco, André Freire & Emmanouil Tsatsanis (editors) (2020), Political Representation and Citizenship in Portugal: from Crisis to Renewal? , Lexington Books – Rowman & Littlefield.
Articles (or edition of special issues) in international peer reviewed journals
Freire, André (2006), “Bringing Social Identities Back In: The Social Anchors of Left-Right Orientation in Western Europe ”, International Political Science Review , 27 (4), 359–378. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0192512106067358
Costa, Olivier, André Freire Jean-Benoit Pilet (2012), Editors of the Symposium “Political representation in Belgium, France, and Portugal: MPs and their constituents in very different political systems ”, organized for the journal Representation – Journal of Representative Democracy , Volume 48 (4), pp. 351–418. (4 articles plus introduction).
Freire, André & Ana Belchior (2013), “Ideological Representation in Portugal: MPs-Electors Linkages in Terms of Left-Right Placement and Substantive Meaning ”, Journal of Legislative Studies , 19, No.1 (March 2013), pp. 1–21. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/13572334.2013.736784
Freire, André, Marco Lisi, Ioannis Andreadis & José Manuel Leite Viegas (2014), Editors of the Special Issue “Political Representation in times of Bailout: Evidence from Portugal and Greece ”, South European Society and Politics , Vol. 19, nº 4, pp. 413–559 (6 articles plus introduction).
Freire, André (2015), “Left-Right Ideology as a Dimension of Identification and as a Dimension of Competition ”, Journal of Political Ideologies , Volume 20, Nº1, pp. 43–68. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/13569317.2015.991493
Freire, André & Marco Lisi (2016), Editors of the Dossiê “Political Parties, Citizens and the Economic Crisis: the Evolution of Southern European Democracies ”, Portuguese Journal of Social Science , Vol. 15, Nº 2, pp. 153–274 (articles on Cyprus, by Yiannos Katsourides – University of Cyprus; Greece, by Emmanouil Tsatsanis – CIES-IUL; Spain, by Lucia Medina – UAB; Italy, by Marco Lisi - FCSH-UNL; & Portugal, by André Freire - ISCTE-IUL; – plus introduction by André Freire & Marco Lisi).
Freire, André, and Kats Kivistik (2016), «Regime transition, value conflicts and the left-right divide at the mass level: The Baltic States and Southern Europe compared », Communist and Post-Communist Studies , Vol. 49, Nº 4, pp. 293–311 (within the 2016 special issue on «The transformations of far right and far left in Europe». Guest Editor, Marlene Laruelle). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.postcomstud.2016.08.002
Freire, André, & Kivistik, Kats (2018), «Authoritarian legacies and mass left-right regime support in new democracies: The Baltic States and Southern Europe compared », Comparative European Politics , Volume 16 (2), pp 249–270. doi :10.1057/cep.2015.25
Freire, André (2021), "Left-wing governmental alliance in Portugal, 2015-2019: A way of renewing and rejuvenating social democracy? ", Brazilian Political Science Review, 15(2), doi :10.1590/1981-3821202100020004
Freire, André, Andrea Pedrazzani, Emmanouil Tsatsanis, Xavier Coller & Paolo Segatti (2021), "Age and Descriptive Representation in Southern Europe: The Impact of the Great Recession on National Parliaments, South European Society and Politics ", 26:2, 271–301, doi :10.1080/13608746.2022.2026336
External links
International National Academics