The film begins with orphan-blinded youngster Gautham, a radio jockey, searching for an eye donor and a soulmate. Once, he falls for an eye specialist, Dr. Netra, and starts inspiring her by acting normal. Netra also loves him after a few comic incidents, but when she discovers the reality, she dumps him. A heartbroken Gautham decides to love a girl finer than her. Meanwhile, Netra arranges a donor for him and recoups his vision quickly. After that, every day, Gautham has mysterious dreams. Hillorously, Gautham again falls for Netra without knowing her identity, and she pretends to be dumb being her voice detection. Later, Gautham realizes the truth when the rift erases. Suddenly, one day, a man named Ranjith Kulkarni enters Gautham's life, claiming to be Netra's father. He keeps a few funny tests for Gautham, such as conducting all medical tests, 100 nonstop rounds on the ground, and removing breaks from the vehicle of Assistant Commissioner Dharma. Right now, he invites Gautham to his house to finalize the match, where surprisingly, Gautham spots Dharma as Netra's father, and he affirms the fact.
Here, as a flabbergast, Netra reveals that Kulkarni passed away two months ago; they transplanted his eyes only to him. Soon, Gautham realizes it is Kulkarni's soul that divulges his past, that he is a sincere journalist slaughtered by a dreadful goon, Pantham Babji. He seeks vengeance via Gautham, but he refuses. From there on, Kulkarni makes Gautham's life miserable by creating enmity with Babji. Thus, Gautham narrates the totality to an eye specialist, Dr. Ashish, and requests to remove his eyes. Fortunately, Ashish is Dharma's intimate insider who convinces him that whatever Gautham states is a fact. Then, Ashish learns that Kulkarni is a businessman and immediately rushes to Gautham's residence, where he comprehends his play and confronts him, who unveils the actual past. In childhood, Gautham possessed three soulmates at the blind school who underwent eye transplants. On their way back, they witness a murder made by Babji, for which he slain them. Hence, Gautham schemes for this revenge. Discerning it, Babji abducts Netra. At last, Gautham eliminates Babji in the name of Kulkarni. Finally, the movie ends with Gautham marrying Netra, and on their first night, startlingly, Kulkarni's soul appears and frightens him to aid in his true vengeance.
A critic from The Hindu wrote that "At the end of Andhhagadu you might wonder what was it that the makers set out to do. It's a revenge drama cloaked as a comedy".[5][6]