The film was released at Bhagyachandra Open Air Theatre (BOAT) on 11 October 2014 with a red-carpet event hosted by WOL Media named as Khongul.[8][9]
The movie is about a boy striving to earn a girl's love. Mangal is a spoilt child. Both Mangal and Thoibi study at the same school. Mangal meets Thoibi when he is fighting with the gatekeeper of the school. Since then, he follows her everywhere (including tuition centres). He even follows her to Delhi. It is a love triangle film, where Langlen comes in between Thoibi and Mangal, and the film shows how Thoibi takes all the responsibilities of misclosings and misunderstandings in the love triangle.[10] The film also shows Thoibi and Langlen's contrasting personalities.
This movie is the third production of Ima Sana Chingjroibi Films, after producing Kamala-Gokul starrer Mamado Leisabido Angaobido and Shumang Leela remake of Pizza Hiktharaba Samji: Pizza. The shooting of the film was done in Manipur and New Delhi.[11][12]
Reception wrote, "Amukta Ani tries to show the dutiful Bala with a big heart, big enough to sacrifice her love. All the characters are presented in an extreme way. The movie begins to fall when it comes into climax. I think it is because of the extreme characters."[10]
Sorri Senjam composed the soundtrack for the film and Romi Meitei wrote the lyrics. The songs are titled Mensinba Ngamdraba and Musi Musi Ngalliba.