Amitava Datta is an Indian scientist working in the area of high energy physics, especially in context of new physics through direct (particle production) and indirect (loop effects).
He was the first to perform complete calculations of the amplitude of Do-D-o mixing, and the analyses of the consequence of Bo-B-o. He also derived new bounds on masses and couplings of gauge bosons, exotic fermions and supersymmetric particles using the data from the Large Electron Positron (LEP) collider at CERN and the Tevatron collider at Fermilab.
Honors and awards
Datta is a Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy, which cited him for "significant contributions to high-energy physics (HEP)." The citation outlined his research interests, and added "Datta has played a major role in the development of HEP in the country and organized several conferences. He has co-edited several books and proceedings such as Particle Phenomenology in the 90's, Highlights of Particle Phenomenology and CP Violation."[1]