Amarna letter EA 158, titled: "Father and Son",[1] is a moderate length letter from Aziru, the leader of the region of Amurru. The letter is written to the Egyptian official, Tutu/ (Dudu). EA 158 is the third letter in a series of 16 letters regarding Aziru.
In synopsis, the 16 letters talk of servitude to the Pharaoh:
(Lines 1-4)—T[o] Tutu, my lord, [my] father: Message of Aziru, your son, our servant.1I fall at the feet of my father. For my father may all go well.
(5-9)—Tutu, I herewi[th gr]ant2the re[ques]t of the ki[ng. m]y l[or]d, [and] whatever may be the request [o]f the king, my lord, he should write and I w[ill g]rant it.
(10-13)—Moreover, a[s] you in that place are my father, whatever may be the request of Tutu, my f[at]her, just write andIwill grant it.3
(14-19)—[A]s you are my father and my lord, [and] I am your son, the land of Amurru is your [lan]d, and my house is your house. [Wr]ite me any request at all of yours, and I will grant your[eve]ry4request.
(20-26)—[And] you are in the personal service [of the king, m]y [lord. Hea]ven forbid5that treacherous men have spoken maliciously [again]st me6in the presence of the king, my lord. And you should not permit them.
(27-31)—[And a]syou are7in the personal service [of the king, m]y lord,representing me,8you should not permit malicious talk [ag]ainst me.
(32-35)—I am the servant of the king, my lord, and I will [n]ot deviate from the orders of the king, my lord, or from the orders of Tutu, my father, forever.
(36-38)—[But i]fthe king, my lord, does not love me and rejects me, then what a[m] I to s[a]y?–(complete EA 158, with major & minor lacunae restored, lines 1-38)