Sagar is a young man from a rich family whose father Indranil is a very prominent businessman. Sagar goes off to pursue his education and after he returns home he meets a pretty young lady called Jhilik, who was a childhood friend. They meet and they fall in love. When Sagar's father finds out about their relationship he refuses to accept it because Jhilik is the daughter of Anuradha, their maid. Indranil wants his son to marry his friend's daughter Tumpa instead. Tumpa's brother Suvankar also wants his sister to marry Sagar as he has designs on the properties of Indranil & Sagar. When all his plans fail, Suvankar attempts to kill Indranil by sabotaging his car. In the meantime, Sagar finds out about this and saves his father. Later Suvankar is handed over to the police for his crime. Eventually Indranil realizes his mistakes and relents to have Jhilik as his daughter-in-law. In the end Jhilik and Sagar are re-united.