Her short fiction has appeared as a part of the University of Washington's School of Art, Art History and Design's Data Epics project; in phoebe, Kweli Journal, Duende, Bluestem, Enizagam, Narrative Magazine, Passages North, and Boulevard,[1] and also as a contributor in the anthologies, Puro Chicanx Literature of the 21st Century and Roadside Curiosities: Stories of American Pop Culture.
“"Severance",” (from The Data Epics) phoebe. Winter 2022.
"The Brown Invasion," novel excerpt from All That Rises. Puro Chicanx Literature of the 21st Century. Cutthroat: A Journal of the Arts in collaboration with the Black Earth Institute. Winter 2020.
"Before He Rises,” Kweli Journal, December 2015.
“Pearl,” Duende. Spring 2015.
“Luck,” Bluestem. Spring 2015.
“Harvest,” Enizagam. 2014.
"The Great Beyond," Roadside Curiosities: Stories of American Pop Culture. August 2014, University of Leipzig/Picador.