All Rounder is a 1998 Telugu-language comedy film, produced by Nimmagadda Venkateswara Rao, Palli Kesava Rao and Mandava Suresh under the Surya Teja Movie Makers banner and directed by T. Prabhakar. It stars Rajendra Prasad, Sanghavi and music composed by Veena Paani.[2] The film was recorded as a flop at the box office.[3]
The film begins in a village where Balaraju is a snake charmer. Once Ramya, the vainglory daughter of tycoon Bapineedu, visits therein. Awkwardly, she acquaints Balaraju with a quarrel. So, to seek vengeance, Ramya bets him to play his snake continuously for 6 hours. Contingent upon him, Ramya will knit if Balaraju triumphs or if he should turn into her slave. He ultimately wins when she forges him to approach her father. So, Balaraju sets foot in the city when Ramya mortifies and casts him out. Now, he aims to teach her a lesson, civilizes himself, and craves to be an All-Rounder. Following, as unbeknownst, he arouses love in Ramya. Afterward, Ramya becomes aware of it and ruses to charge Balaraju. Hence, she puts him up for a millionaire's abduction on her birthday to amass fortune towards her father's acceptance of their nuptial. However, Balaraju witily seizes Bapineedu to tease Ramya. Unfortunately, he is re-captured by his sly P.A.JP for his cell phone, which embodies his business secrets, and indicts Balaraju. Today, the Police Department assigned SI Appa Rao & Constable Engine Oil Anjeeneyulu to prison Balaraju. Anyhow, his snake always shields him. Therefore, they hired a modern snake charmer, Anaconda, to aid them. Parallelly, Balaraju learns JP's hellish hue; fortuitously, he holds Bapineedu's cell phone. Thus, he starts his game in various disguises and mocks the blackguard. Anaconda chases him as White on Rice, but he constantly counterstrikes him. Meanwhile, JP bribes Appa Rao, who wiles to slay Bapineedu. At this, upstanding Anjeneeyulu aids Balaraju, who detects Bapineedu's whereabouts. Besides, Ramya senses Balaraju's integrity and bows down. Hereupon, everyone steps in at one spot when Balaraju & Anakonda face off with snakes. Startlingly, the two discern as childhood buddies and conjoin. At last, they cease the baddies and secure Bapineedu. Finally, the movie ends happily with the marriage of Balaraju & Ramya.