Albert Brewer Guptill (May 26, 1854 – January 8, 1931) was an author and photographer. He authored a book about the region traversed by the Northern Pacific Railway in 1891 and a field guide to Yellowstone with photo illustrations by Frank Jay Haynes.
In 1891 his A Ramble in Wonderland-A Description of the Marvelous Region Traversed by the Northern Pacific Railroad was published and in 1894 his Yellowstone Park Guide: A Practical Hand-book Containing Accurate and Concise Descriptions of the Entire Park Region, Maps, Distances, Altitudes, Geyser Time Tables and All Necessary Information was published. It was "profusely illustrated" by Frank Jay Haynes, official photographer of the Northern Pacific Railway.[2] The guide to Yellowstone became known as the Haynes Guide and continued in print for decades.
Guptill died from heart disease in Fargo on January 8, 1931.[4][5]
Guptill, Albert B. (1891). A Ramble in Wonderland-A Description of the Marvelous Region Traversed by the Northern Pacific Railroad. Illustrated from photos by F. Jay Haynes. St Paul, MN: Charles F. Fee.
Guptill, A. B. (1894). Yellowstone Park Guide-A Practical Handbook. Illustrated by F. Jay Haynes. St Paul, MN: F. Jay Haynes.