Akira is a 2016 Indian Kannadaromantic drama film directed by Naveen Reddy and produced by S2 Entertainments.[1] The film stars Anish Tejeshwar, Aditi Rao and Krishi Tapanda in lead roles.[2] The movie revolves around Akhil's (Anish Tesjeshwar) life, who is dwelling upon his life and his trysts with love.[3] Disturbed and shaken after he gets dumped by Sahithi (Aditi Rao), Akhil (Anish Tejeshwar) meets Lavanya (Krishi Thapanda), who has recently broken up as well. Akhil and Lavanya start to delevop feelings for one another. Things take a turn when he learns that Sahithi and Lavanya are best friends.
Akira is the first Kannada movie to ever be shot in Norway. A few scenes from the movie have been shot from Oslo, along the western coast and some from high up in the mountains.