Ak Welsapar (Russian: Ак Вельсапар; born September 19, 1956) is a Swedish-Turkmen journalist and writer. Welsapar writes in Turkmen, Russian and Swedish, and is the author of more than 20 books and his books have come out in many languages.[1] The American journal, The World Literature Today in its review of this book wrote: "Cobra is a must for all specialists of Central Asia and a great read for anyone interested in the psychology of despots."[2] This was followed by the release in English of his novel The Tale of Aypi.
1996 – Ak öý (in Turkmen). Lulea: Grafiska Huset [English title: The Round House]
1998 – Det nya landet. Grönt te (in Swedish). Goteborg: Lindelöws Publishing, ISBN91-88144-36-4 [English title: The New Country]
2000 – Syrenkärlek (in Swedish). Translated by Lars Erik Blomqvist, Stockholm: 00-Tal, ISSN 1404-1197, Nr 2-3 [original title: Любовь сиреневого цвета]
2005 – Watanym galdy (in Turkmen). Stockholm: Gün Publishing House, 2005; ISBN91-974397-6-2 [English title: Longing for Another Sky]
2006 – Ak guş bolup uçsamdym! (in Turkmen). Stockholm: Gün Publishing House, ISBN91-974397-9-7 [English title: If I Only Were a White Bird]
2008 – Ene dilim – öz öýüm (in Turkmen). Stockholm: Gün Publishing House [English title: My Native Language – My Home]
2009 – Ýagtylykda ýitenler (in Turkmen). Stockholm: Gün Publishing House, ISBN978-91-976305-5-9 [English title: The Ones Vanishing in the Daylight]
2011 - Kobra (in Swedish). Translated by Stefan Lindgren, Stockholm: Tranan Publishing House [English title: Cobra]
2011 – Skapandet: talang och erfarenhet. I språkets hus (in Swedish). Uppsala: Kultur i Länet, ISBN978-91-979269-2-8 [English title: Creation: The Talent and Experience]
2012 – Сомнений вечных боль (in Russian). Translated by V. Kudryavcev, Vologda: Книжное наследие, ISBN978-5-91965-055-3 [English title: The Pain of Eternal Uncertainties]
2013 – Den underbara sångens hem (in Swedish). Stockholm: Gün Publishing House, ISBN978-91-976305-6-6 [English title: Home of the Wonderful Song]
2013 – Речной конь Дюль-Дюль (in Russian). Stockholm: Gün Publishing House, ISBN978-91-980352-2-3 [English title: Seahorse Dul-Dul]
2014 – Смарагдовий берег (in Ukrainian). Translated by Сергій Дзюба, Чернівці: Букрек, ISBN978-966-399-023-1 [English title: The Emerald Shore]
2015 – Legenden om Aypi (in Swedish). Translated by Mats Müllern, Stockholm: Tranan Publishing House, ISBN978-91-976305-9-7 [English title: The Tale of Aypi]
2015 - Love History (in English). Translated by Youssef Azemoun, London: The Magazin Xindex on Censorship, Nr 2, ISBN978-1-4739-42196-0 [original title: Söýgi hekaýaty]
2015 - У оврага за последними домами/ Gorpuň gyrasynda (in Russian and Turkmen). Stockholm: Gün Publishing House, ISBN978-91-980352-8-5 [English title: On the Edge]
2015 - Poesi för världen samman. Lyfta locket av Uppsala (in Swedish). Uppsala: Litteraturcentrum, ISBN978-91-979269-4-2 [English title: Poetry unites the World]
2016 - The Tale of Aypi (in English). Translated by W.M. Coulson, London: Glagoslav Publication, ISBN978-1-78437-983-4 [original title: Aýpi hakynda rowaýat]
2018 - Death of the Snake Catcher (in English). Short Stories. Translated by Lois Kapila, Youssef Azemoun, and Richard Govett, London: Glagoslav Publication, ISBN978-1-911414-81-0
2018 - The Revenge of the Foxes (in English). Novel. Translated by Richard Govett. London: Glagoslav Publication, ISBN1912894122, 9781912894123