He was born in Boyabat, Sinop, Turkey in 1959 where he completed elementary, middle and high school. In 1978 he was accepted to Atatürk University, Literature Faculty History Department in Erzurum, Turkey where he graduated in 1982. In 1983 he began work as a research assistant in the Yeniçağ Department of the same university completing his master‘s degree in 1985. In 1989 he transitioned to Istanbul Marmara University, Faculty of Science and Literature in the History Department.
With his 1990 book “Osmanlı Taşra Teşkilatı’nda Tokat (1455-1574)”, he was awarded a Doctorate and earned Associate Professor status in 1997 after writing his thesis “Uyvar’ın Osmanlılar Tarafından Fethi ve İdaresi”. Dr. Şimşirgil, who attained Professor status in 2003, has published many articles and books published about Ottoman history, politic life and governance. In addition to being a respected author and regular contributing writer for the daily newspaper Türkiye, Dr. Şimşirgil has published articles at the National and International level and appears on several television programs such as “Tarih ve Medeniyet”, “Başka Şeyleri”, "Tarih ve İnsan" on both Lalegül TV and TGRT Radio and "Tarih Sahnesi" on TRT1 TV.
Dr. Şimşirgil is currently a Professor of Ottoman History in the Faculty of Science and Literature at Marmara University in Istanbul. He is married with three children.[1]
2- “XVI. Yüzyılda Tokat Medreseleri” Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, VII, 227-242 (1992).
3- “Osmanlılar İdaresinde Zile Şehri (1455-1574)”, Türklük Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6, 231-243 (1991).
4- “XV ve XVI. Asırlarda Turhal”, Türklük Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8, 463-494 (1997).
5- “Osmanlılar İdaresinde Uyvar’ın Hazine Defterleri ve Bir Bütçe Örneği”, Güney Doğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12, 325-355 (1998).
6- “XVI. Yüzyılda Amasya Şehri”, Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, XI, 77-109 (1996).
7- “Economic Life in Nove Zamky (Uyvar) During The Ottoman Period (1663-1683)” Foundation For Middle East And Balkan Studies (OBİV), Turkish Review of Balkan Studies, Annual 2001.
8- “The Kazas (townships) of Alakilise, Rahova, Ivraca, Izladi and Eski Cuma Subdivisions of the Sancak of Niğbolu in the Eighteenth Century”, Foundation For Middle East And Balkan Studies (OBİV), Turkish Review of Balkan Studies, Annual 2003.
1- Uyvar Eyaleti’nin Teşkili ve İdaresi, Uluslararası Osmanlı Tarihi Sempozyumu, (8-9 Nisan1999), İzmir.
2- 1663 Uyvar Sefer Yolu ve Şehrin Osmanlı İdaresindeki Konumu, Anadolu’da Tarihi Yollar ve Şehirler Semineri, Bildiriler, 79-98, İstanbul 2002
Ahmet Şimşirgil (2003) Birincil kaynaklardan Osmanlı tarihi ('Primary Sources of Ottoman History'): Kayı , Volume 1, Ertuğrul’un Ocağı, ISBN978-994452570-1[5]
Ahmet Şimşirgil (2004), Birincil kaynaklardan Osmanlı tarihi (Primary Sources of Ottoman History): Kayı, Volume 2, Şems, ISBN978-9944-304-00-9
Murādī; Ahmet Şimşirgil (2003), Gazavât-i Hayreddin Pașa, Babıali Kültür Yayıncılığı, ISBN978-975-8486-24-3