Village in Tamil Nadu, India
Agathariruppu is a village in Ramanathapuram district of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Agathariruppu falls under Abiramam town panchayat and Kamuthi Taluk.
People from Agathariruppu are mostly settled outside for jobs and education. Overall resident population is less than 500.
Yearly Mariamman Thiruvizha
Mariyamman Mulaipaari Festival celebrated annually, during this festival, the people settled in Chennai, Madurai and Ramanathapuram join.
Bullock cart pilgrim trip
People from Agathariruppu go for temple trip to M.Pudupatti/ Keela rajakula Raman rajapalayam near Sivakasi in Bullock cart, once in every four years (usually in May month), along with other people who belongs to Aarukarai Yadava community.
They travel for nearly 80 km in three days to worship Sri Ericheeswara Ponnirulappan Swami and Swami Koodamudaya Ayyanar and Kaali Amman
Notable people