The Academia Mexicana de Genealogía y Heráldica (Mexican Academy of Genealogy and Heraldry) is a cultural institution based in Mexico City, Mexico.[1]
The Academia Mexicana de Genealogía y Heráldica has its origin in the Academia Hispanoamericana de Genealogía y Herádica, established in Mexico City in 1921 by José Ignacio Dávila Garibi; with a difficult beginning, the institution had to be reorganized in 1941 but without much success.[2]
Finally, on 15 May 1943 the Academia Mexicana de Genealogía y Heráldica[1][3] was founded by José Ignacio Dávila Garibi[4] with a mission to promote the studies on Genealogy and Heraldry through research, education and exhibition. The motive in founding the Academy was twofold: to raise the professional status of the researcher by establishing a sound system of training and expert judgment in the sciences of Genealogy and Heraldry attaining an appropriate standard of excellence, and to publish some essays in its main publication: Memorias. Behind this concept was the desire to encourage appreciation and interest in the already mentioned sciences.
Premio Academia Mexicana de Genealogía y Heráldica
Premio Academia Mexicana de Genealogía y Heráldica
Awarded for
Excellence in achievements on published studies on genealogy and heraldry
The Premio Academia Mexicana de Genealogía y Heráldica is a prize established in 1985 by Guillermo Romo Célis (1912–1988) as a recognition of excellence in achievements on published studies on genealogy and heraldry, and it is given during the celebration of the International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences.
This institution, in collaboration with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had contributed during the microfilming process of the main Mexican Catholic Church records (1953–71), archiving the amount of 72,000 film rolls (86 million pages).[13][14] Thanks to a contract among the aforementioned institutions, a whole copy of these microfilms were kept in possession of the Academia Mexicana de Genealogía y Heráldica; nowadays such copies are located in the Archivo General de la Nación (Mexico City),[15] and are available for public consultation under the guidelines and regulations of the same institution.[16]
The AMGyH had signed collaboration documents with the historical archives of the Mexican states of Aguascalientes (2006)[17] and Michoacán (2007)[18] to contribute with the digitalization and preservation of their most valuable files.
The Academia Mexicana de Genealogía y Heráldica published a series of Memorias through two periods: 8 volumes on the first one (1945–57);[1] and 17 volumes from 1957 until 2005.
^La Sociedad Genealógica de Utah ha realizado, desde hace varias décadas, un programa de microfilmación de registros parroquiales y libros del Registro Civil en México, junto con los microfilmes de muchos otros países. Los correspondientes a México están concentrados en Salt Lake City, Utah. Una copia de los registros microfilmados ha sido conservada por la Academia Mexicana de Genealogía y Heráldica, y depositada en el Archivo General de la Nación, para su custodia y consulta pública.