Absolute Batman is a superherocomic book series published by DC Comics, based on the character Batman. The series is written by Scott Snyder and illustrated by Nick Dragotta, and began publication on October 9, 2024, as the first title in DC's Absolute Universe (AU) imprint.
The series stars a city engineer, Bruce Wayne, who comes out at night to fight crime as the Batman. While doing so, he is stalked by a secret agent, Alfred Pennyworth.[1]
Publication history
In early July 2024, it was reported that a Batman-focused comic book series written by Scott Snyder and illustrated by Nick Dragotta would be in the works as part of DC Comics's then-rumored Absolute Universe (AU) imprint.[2] The series, titled Absolute Batman, was officially announced later that month, with the comic's writer Snyder also revealed to be overseeing the imprint.[3]
Absolute Batman began publication on October 9, 2024, as the first title under the AU imprint.[4]
Category Publications are listed alphabetically by published titles. Storylines are listed in publication order. Compiled without respect for canon or "current" continuity.