Professor Prabhat Kumar Varma (Raj Babbar) lives in Andheri, Mumbai with his widowed mother and sister, Madhu (Raksha Chauhan). Concerned about the rising crime rates in the city, he meets with Police Commissioner Sathe (Chandrashekhar) to voice his concerns. Meanwhile, his friend Professor Lalwani's sister-in-law, Sudha (Sonika Gill), is kidnapped, raped, and killed by Suresh Thakur (Dalip Tahil). However, Suresh's lawyers prove in court that he was not in Mumbai at the time of the incident, and he is acquitted. Frustrated by Prabhat's persistence in seeking justice for Sudha, Suresh and his gang break into Prabhat's apartment. They tie him up and sexually assault his sister in front of him before murdering his mother when she attempts to call the police. His sister subsequently commits suicide. Devastated by these events, Prabhat loses faith in the criminal justice system and becomes a vigilante, taking it upon himself to roam the city at night and kill rapists and murderers.
Inspector Shafi (Shafi Inamdar) begins to investigate these crimes, and Prabhat soon comes under the police's radar. The inspector eventually captures Prabhat, and his girlfriend Rajni (Smita Patil), who is a lawyer, takes it upon herself to free him and seek justice for his family once and for all.
Raj Babbar as Prof. Prabhat Kumar Verma / Robinhood
Smita Patil as Public Prosecutor Rajni V. Deshmukh
The censor certificate of the film shows "Re-revised", implying that censor board objected to certain scenes of the movie, and cleared the movie when it was re-edited. The producers of the movie have been subsequently criticized by many for filming sexual assault scenes in a gratuitous way.[6][7]