The film begins with an ideal couple, Shankar Rao & Parvati; Shankar Rao has 3 siblings: Mohan, Sagar, and Kamala. For their nurture, they give up their progeny. Shankar Rao aims & strives hard to civilize his brothers. Discerning it, the younger Sagar feigns illness and molds Mohan an engineer. Eventually, Mohan loves and knits vainglory Uma, the daughter of multi-millionaire Sulochana Devi. Soon after, she hostiles with the family and swears to ruin their happiness, which works and leads to detachment. Right now, Uma departs to her mother's house along with Mohan, where he is humiliated, so he quits and walks on to Dubai to have a career. Sagar also steps out because of Uma's mortification. Besides, Shankar Rao must sacrifice his job & home to perform Kamala's nuptial with her love interest, Bujji. Following this, UMa faces the society music when she admits her guilt and forwards for Mohan. Midway, she is attacked by goons when Sagar secures her. Simultaneously, Mohan returns, and they are in quest of Shankar Rao & Parvati. At last, they discover them as terminally ill. Finally, the movie ends with the two departing together, showing them as immortal.