The story follows the traditional Cinderella fairytale, with some additional characters. Buttons is the Butler to wicked stepmother Baroness Hardup, and is Cinderella’s best friend. As in most pantomimes, the 4th wall is broken by the cast, who encourage the audience to cheer for Cinderella and boo the Wicked Step-Sisters.
It was first produced in 2010 at the El Portal Theatre in North Hollywood, California,[2] starring Freddie Stroma, Jerry Mathers and Jennifer Leigh Warren. A nationwide search in conjunction with Westfield Corporation was carried out to cast the title role. Celebrity judges included Neil Patrick Harris.[4] This was the first pantomime seen in California for some time and received positive reviews from the press.[1][5][6]
The show was repeated in 2011, again at the El Portal Theatre, starring Fred Willard, with Shoshana Bean as the Fairy Godmother.[7][3] It again received positive reviews.[8]
Pasadena Playhouse
Pasadena Playhouse produced the show in 2016.[9] It was directed by Bonnie Lythgoe and choreographed by Spencer Liff, with sets by Ian Wilson and costumes by Florencia M. Carrizo.[9]