704 Hauser is an American sitcom television series and a spin-off of All in the Family (the final of several) that aired on CBS from April 11 to May 9, 1994. The series is built around the concept of a black family, the Cumberbatch Family, moving into the former Queens home of Archie Bunker after Bunker had sold the house located at 704 Hauser Street.
Norman Lear created the series during the time when conservative talk radio was experiencing its initial upswing in popularity in the United States, particularly in the form of Rush Limbaugh. Lear felt that the time was right for a new show to explore new issues, making 704 Hauser even more explicitly political than All in the Family.
John Amos, a veteran of the earlier Lear sitcom Good Times (itself a spin-off of the All in the Family spin-off Maude), starred as Ernie Cumberbatch, while Lynnie Godfrey played his wife, Rose.[1] The show features a reversal of the original All in the Family formula. Ernie and Rose Cumberbatch are working classDemocrats, while their son Goodie is a conservative activist and his girlfriend, Cherlyn Markowitz (Maura Tierney), is white and Jewish.
The show attracted middling ratings, and was cancelled after five episodes (with one episode remaining unaired).
Rose's sister interferes with Ernie's birthday surprise.
Jack Shea
Walter Allen Bennett, Jr.
Unaired (Unaired)
Ernie discovers a master plan to reduce his taxes by becoming a minister.
Home media
The pilot episode, "Meet the Cumberbatchs", was included as a bonus feature on the All in the Family: The Complete SeriesDVD box set released by Shout! Factory on October 30, 2012.