On June 26, 2023, jihadists from Jama'at Nasr al-Islam wal-Muslimin ambushed a Burkinabe convoy near Namssiguia, Bam Province, Burkina Faso. The attack and subsequent battle killed 34 Burkinabe soldiers, with Burkinabe authorities stating over 40 jihadists were killed.
Namsiguia had previously been a target of jihadists, with a bombing in August 2022 killing 15 Burkinabe soldiers.[3] An attack on civilians in the town in January killed nine people.[4]
At the time of the attack, the convoy was returning from the besieged city of Djibo, which had been blockaded by jihadist groups including JNIM since 2022.[5][6] In a press release, Burkinabe authorities stated that the fighting between the two groups after the attack was violent.[5] The Burkinabe government stated that 31 soldiers and three pro-government VDP militiamen were killed, and twenty more were injured. Around ten others were reported missing as well.[7] The statement also claimed forty jihadists were killed.[8][9]
The Namsiguia convoy attack occurred the same day as jihadists stormed a VDP base in Noaka, killing over thirty VDPs.[10]