A summary of these results can be found at 2011 Guildford Council election
- ^ As published on www.guildford.gov.uk 7 May 2011
- ^ Ideally one would calculate the percentage figure using the vote for a particular candidate divided by the voter turnout number for that ward. However as the turnout figures were not published on 7 May 2011 with the results, the closest approximation available to the turnout figure has been used. Percentage figures have been calculated using the votes per candidate number divided by (the total number of votes for all the candidates divided by the number of candidates, then adding the number of spoilt ballot papers to this figure). Where there is only one elected candidate this will produce the correct percentage figure as it produces a figure equal to votes per candidate divided by the maximum number of votes which that candidate could have obtained on that turnout. However where there are two or three elected candidates per ward the figure used herein can produce a percentage figure fractionally higher than the true percentage as it does not account for voters who do not vote for their full quota of candidates. This approximation of turnout gives useful comparison between the percentage votes per candidate obtained, however it would not be appropriate to quote it as the actual turnout figure and consequently the turnout figure has been omitted from this table of results at present.