The 1976 British Formula Three season was the 26th season of the British Formula Three season. Rupert Keegan took the B.A.R.C. BP Super Visco British Formula 3 Championship, while Bruno Giacomelli took the B.R.D.C. Shellsport British Formula Three Championship.
Thanks to Giacomelli's March 763-Toyota and to Keegan's old 743, March dominated the two championships with 12 race wins, the other five falling to the Chevron B34s of Geoff Lees and mid-season convert Keegan.
B.A.R.C. BP Super Visco British F3 Championship
Champion: Rupert Keegan
Joint Runner Up: Bruno Giacomelli[1]
The scoring system was 9-6-4-3-2-1 points for the top six classified finishers, with 1 (one) extra point added to the driver who set the fastest lap of the race. All results counted.
Drivers' Championship
B.R.D.C. Shellsport British F3 Championship
Champion: Bruno Giacomelli
Joint Runner Up: Rupert Keegan
The scoring system was 20-15-12-10-8-6-4-3-2-1 points for the top ten classified finishers. All results counted.
Non-Championship Races