1896 in architecture
Overview of the events of 1896 in architecture
The year 1896 in architecture involved some significant events.
Theater des Westens , Berlin
Marseille Cathedral
Buildings and structures
Buildings opened
Buildings completed
Annesley Lodge, Hampstead , designed by Charles Voysey .
Church of Sant'Anselmo all'Aventino , Rome, Italy, by Francesco Vespignani.
Marseille Cathedral , France, principally by Léon Vaudoyer and Henri-Jacques Espérendieu.
National Gallery of Slovenia , Ljubljana , designed by František Škabrout.
Museum of Applied Arts , Budapest , designed by Ödön Lechner .
Temple Building (Toronto) , Canada, designed by George W. Gouinlock (demolished 1970)
Temple of Human Passions , Cinquantenaire Park, Brussels , Belgium, designed by Victor Horta .