Richard Lewis (poet), Upon Prince Madoc's Expedition to the Country now called America, in the 12th Century, a fictional, poetic tale of a Welshman; English Colonial America[2]
An Epistle to Lord Cobham, published this year, although the book states "1733"[1]
An Essay on Man, fourth and final epistle (Epistles 1–3 published 1733; all four epistles also published together this year), published anonymously[1]
The First Satire of the Second Book of Horace including the Second Satire of the Second Book of Horace, which was published separately this year (preceded by First Satire of Horace1733)[1]
Sober Advice From Horace, published anonymously, parallel texts in English and Latin[1]
James Thomson, Liberty, dedicated to the Prince of Wales
Jonathan Swift, A Beautiful Young Nymph Going to Bed, published anonymously[1]
Robert Tatersal, The Bricklayer's Miscellany; or, Poems on Several Subjects[1]
Joseph Trapp, Thoughts Upon the Four Last Things, published anonymously, in four parts (Death, Judgment, Heaven, Hell), starting this year and ending in 1735[1]