Date of birth
Date of death
Nancy Adams
Botanist and botanical artist, and museum curator.
19 May 1926
27 May 2007
Mary Aldis
Scientific author and social reform campaigner
11 August 1897
Catherine Alexander
Botanist, and the first known woman to publish a paper in the Royal Society Te Apārangi's Transactions in 1886.
8 December 1862
17 March 1928
Elizabeth Alexander
Geologist, academic, and physicist, whose wartime work with radar and radio led to early developments in radio astronomy.
13 December 1908
15 October 1958
Jan Anderson
Organic chemist who worked on photosynthesis.
12 May 1932
28 August 2015
Innes Asher
Professor of paediatrics
20th Century
Rosemary Askin
Geologist specialising in Antarctic palynology and the first New Zealand woman to undertake her own research programme in Antarctica, in 1970.
Paddy Bassett
Agricultural scientist, the first woman graduate from Massey Agricultural College, and also one of the first two women students accepted into Canterbury Agricultural College (now Lincoln University).
15 July 1918
20 July 2019
Betty Batham
Marine biologist and university lecturer, who directed the Portobello Marine Biological Station at the University of Otago for more than 23 years.
2 December 1917
8 July 1974
Muriel Bell
Nutritionist and medical researcher
4 January 1898
2 May 1974
Gertrude Helen Benson
Professor of home science.
25 January 1886
20 February 1964
Patricia Bergquist
Zoologist specialising in sponges, anatomist and biologist
10 March 1933
9 September 2009
Betty Bernardelli
Physiological psychologist who was the commanding officer at the WAAF training school for psychology instructors.
7 November 1919
Winifred Betts
Botanist and the first female lecturer at the University of Otago
29 April 1971
Judith Binney
Writer, academic, historian and educator
1 July 1940
15 February 2011
Philippa Black
Geologist specialising in mineralogy and metamorphic petrology.
26 November 1941
Agnes Blackie
New Zealand's first female physics lecturer and probably the Southern Hemisphere's only female physics academic at the time of her appointment.
Ellen Wright Blackwell
Writer, botanist, and photographer.
7 October 1864
24 February 1952
Winifred Lily Boys-Smith
Science artist and lecturer, university professor, and school principal
7 November 1865
1 January 1939
Janet M. Bradford-Grieve
Carcinologist and biological oceanographer.
Margaret Bradshaw
Geologist and Antarctic researcher.
Beryl Brewin
Marine zoologist, specialising in ascidians (sea squirts).
10 September 1910
Margaret Brimble
Chemist who has made investigations of shellfish toxins and means to treat brain injuries.
20 August 1961
Sally Brooker
Inorganic chemist
20th Century
Katherine Browning
Teacher, who published one of the only four papers by women in the Royal Society of New Zealand's Transactions before 1900.
Carolyn Burns
Ecologist specialising in lakes.
3 February 1942
Ella Campbell
Botanist and expert on bryophytes, she published 130 scientific papers on liverworts, hornworts, orchids, and wetlands. She became the first woman faculty member of the Massey Agricultural College.
28 October 1910
24 July 2003
Kathleen Campbell
Geologist, paleoecologist and astrobiologist
20th Century
Vivienne Cassie Cooper
Planktologist and botanist.
29 September 1926
5 July 2021
Amy Castle
Entomologist and museum curator
9 May 1880
23 February 1971
Gwyneth Alva Challis
Geologist who discovered the mineral Wairauite, and pioneered the use of x-rays for mineral investigation in New Zealand.
25 January 1930
21 November 2010
M. Ann Chapman
Limnologist, one of the first New Zealand women scientists to visit Antarctica, and the first woman to lead a scientific expedition to Antarctica.
14 January 1937
23 May 2009
Emma Cheeseman
Scientific painter and taxidermist, whose work is in the Auckland Museum
4 November 1846
2 October 1928
Marie Clay
Academic, clinical psychologist, researcher distinguished researcher known for her work in global educational literacy.
3 January 1926
13 April 2007
Helen Connon
First woman in the British Empire to win any university degree with honours.
22 February 1903
Lucy May Cranwell
Botanist responsible for groundbreaking work in palynology , and curator of botany at Auckland Museum.
7 August 1907
8 June 2000
Marguerite Crookes
Botanical enthusiast, pteridologist and conservationist, author, and founder of the Auckland Natural History Club.
24 January 1991
Margaret Cruickshank
New Zealand's first registered female doctor
1 January 1873
28 November 1918
Kathleen Maisey Curtis
Mycologist and a founder of plant pathology in New Zealand.
15 August 1892
5 September 1994
Helen Kirkland Dalrymple
Botanist, author and school teacher who wrote two books on Otago flora.
Janet Davidson
Archaeologist who has carried out extensive field work in the Pacific Islands.
Michelle Dickinson
Nanotechnologist and science educator.
20th Century
Joan Dingley
Mycologist who was the head of mycology at the DSIR Plant Disease Division.
14 May 1916
1 January 2008
Alison Downard
Chemist focusing on surface chemistry, electrochemistry and nanoscale grafted layers
20th Century
Audrey Eagle
Writer, botanist and botanical illustrator, who was author and illustrator of the two volume Eagle's Complete Trees and Shrubs of New Zealand.
Elizabeth Edgar
Botanist, author and editor of three of the five volumes of the series Flora of New Zealand.
27 December 1929
1 January 2019
Kate Edger
University graduate, educationalist, community worker. The first woman in New Zealand to gain a university degree, and possibly the second in the British Empire to do so.
6 January 1857
6 May 1935
Kate Violet Edgerley
Botanist and teacher
21 February 1887
26 February 1939
Edith Farkas
Antarctic researcher known for being the first Hungarian woman and also the first New Zealand MetService female staff member to set foot in Antarctica. She conducted world-leading ozone monitoring research for over 30 years.
13 October 1921
3 February 1993
Sarah Featon
Botanical artist and author, who with her husband published The Art Album of New Zealand Flora.
28 April 1927
Ruth Fitzgerald
Anthropology academic
Elizabeth Alice Flint
Botanist who specialised in freshwater algae, and co-authored the three-volume series Flora of New Zealand Desmids in the 1980s and 1990s.
26 May 1909
7 December 2011
Caroline Freeman
Teacher, school principal and owner, and the first female graduate of the University of Otago , New Zealand.
16 August 1914
Constance Frost
Medical doctor, bacteriologist and pathologist.
23 June 1862
29 January 1920
Marion Fyfe
Academic, specialising in taxonomy of planarians and other flatworms, the first woman zoology lecturer at the University of Otago, and the first woman to be elected to the Council of the Royal Society Te Apārangi.
Juliet Gerrard
Chemist and New Zealand Prime Minister's Chief Science Advisor.
20th Century
Bessie Te Wenerau Grace
First Māori woman university graduate, nun, and educator.
Jane Harding
Academic new-born intensive case specialist (neonatologist)
Aroha Harris
Historian and writer, specialising in Māori histories of policy and community development
20th Century
Emily Cumming Harris
Teacher and artist, and one of New Zealand's first professional women painters.
28 March 1837
5 August 1925
Jennifer Hay
Linguist who specialises in sociolinguistics, laboratory phonology, and the history of New Zealand English
Harlene Hayne
Psychology professor and first female vice-chancellor of the University of Otago.
Elizabeth Herriott
Scientist and the first woman appointed to the permanent teaching staff at Canterbury College.
13 March 1936
Barbara Farnsworth Heslop
Immunologist specialising in transplantation immunology and immunogenetics.
26 January 1925
20 December 2013
Rangimārie Hetet
Tohunga raranga (master weaver) of Ngāti Maniapoto
24 May 1892
14 June 1995
Georgina Burne Hetley
Artist and author, her book The Native Flora of New Zealand was published in English and French.
27 May 1832
29 August 1898
Avice Hill
Entomologist and herb grower.
Miss Hirst
Astronomical observer who published significant observations of Jupiter
19th Century
Eliza Amy Hodgson
Botanist who specialised in liverworts.
10 October 1888
7 January 1983
Janet Holmes
Sociolinguist working on language and gender, language in the workplace, and New Zealand English.
17 May 1947
Ngapare Hopa
Māori academic of Waikato Tainui descent
20th Century
30 April 2024[ 2] [ 3]
Alice Woodward Horsley
First registered woman doctor in Auckland.
3 February 1871
7 November 1957
Philippa Lynne Howden-Chapman
Clinical psychologist and public health researcher
20th Century
Margaret M. Hyland
Chemist, engineer and professor.
Alison Jones
Academic working on sociology of education.
Māori healer and pioneer of herbal medicine
15th Century
Thelma Rene Kent
21 October 1899
23 June 1946
Elsa Beatrice Kidson
Soil scientist and sculptor
18 March 1905
25 July 1979
Martha King
New Zealand's first resident botanical illustrator . She was a founder of schools in Whanganui and New Plymouth , and a talented gardener and schoolteacher.
31 May 1897
Judith Kinnear
Academic, geneticist, and the first woman to head a New Zealand university
12 May 1939
Pat Langhorne
Antarctic sea ice researcher
Wendy Larner
Geographer and social scientist who has focussed on the interdisciplinary areas of globalisation , governance and gender .
2 March 1963
Diana Lennon
Academic and pediatrician, specialising in infectious diseases.
3 October 1949
15 May 2018
Janice M. Lord
Botanist and plant evolutionary biologist
20th Century
Elsie Low
Botanist, teacher and temperance campaigner.
25 July 1875
14 February 1909
Averil Margaret Lysaght
Biologist, science historian and artist, best known for her scholarly work on Joseph Banks
14 April 1905
21 August 1981
Bella MacCallum
Botanist and mycologist, and New Zealand's first female doctor of science
17 March 1927
Tracey McIntosh
Sociology and criminology academic
20th Century
Ruth Mason
Botanist specialising in the taxonomy and ecology of freshwater plants.
7 November 1913
14 May 1990
Kāterina Mataira
Māori language advocate, artist and writer
13 November 1932
16 July 2011
Lisa Matisoo-Smith
Molecular anthropologist
Joan Mattingley
Clinical chemist and author
27 July 2015
Marjorie Mestayer
Conchologist , and conchology curator for the Dominion Museum in Wellington.
7 July 1955
Joan Metge
Social anthropologist, educator, lecturer and writer.
21 February 1930
Pérrine Moncrieff
Ornithologist, conservationist, and author
8 February 1893
16 December 1979
Lucy Beatrice Moore
Botanist and ecologist
14 July 1906
9 June 1987
Rina Winifred Moore
First female Māori medical doctor.
6 April 1923
Flora Murray
Botanist, and second woman appointed as permanent staff at Canterbury University College.
1 August 1896
Margaret Mutu
Ngāti Kahu leader, author and academic
20th Century
Phoebe Myers
Teacher and educational reformer. She was one of the first women to teach science at college level in New Zealand, and the first woman to represent her country at the League of Nations.
13 June 1866
2 June 1947
Sheila Natusch
Writer and freelance illustrator.
14 February 1926
10 August 2017
Wendy Nelson
Botanist and phycologist, New Zealand's leading authority on seaweeds.
Hinke Maria Osinga
Mathematician and an expert in dynamical systems, also a creator of mathematical art .
25 December 1969
Roka Paora
Māori language expert, translator, author and educator.
15 February 1925
15 January 2011
Mākereti Papakura
Tuhourangi woman of mana, guide, entertainer, and ethnographer.
20 October 1873
16 April 1930
Kim Pickering
Composite materials engineer
20th Century
Suzanne G Pitama
Psychologist and indigenous health researcher
20th Century
Josephine Gordon Rich
Zoologist and one of only four women who published results of her scientific work in New Zealand before 1901
6 September 1940
Jane Ritchie
Psychology academic and expert of child-raising, she was the first woman to graduate with a PhD in psychology from a New Zealand university.
20th Century
Joan Robb
Zoologist, professor and curator
19 October 2017
Marion Robinson
Nutritionist and physiologist, particularly noted for her investigation of the importance of selenium in the human diet.
Viviane Robinson
Educational psychologist
20th Century
Jacinta Ruru
Law professor and the first Māori Professor of Law.
Anne Salmond
Anthropologist and historian
16 November 1945
Hope Sanderson
Geologist, and the first New Zealand woman to graduate with MSc with Honours in Geology at a New Zealand university.
Rosa Olga Sansom
Teacher, museum director, botanist, broadcaster, and writer.
3 June 1900
1 July 1989
Caroline Saunders
Economist and researcher, specialising in environmental economics
20th Century
Martha K. Savage
Geology academic.
20th Century
Brenda Shore
Botanist, one of only 20 female Associate Professors in New Zealand when she retired in 1983.
Emily Hancock Siedeberg-McKinnon
Medical practitioner, hospital superintendent, and the country's first female medical graduate.
17 February 1873
13 June 1968
Cather Simpson
Physicist/chemist and entrepreneur
20th Century
Liz Slooten
Marine biologist
20th Century
Anne Briar Smith
Children's rights researcher and academic
13 August 1940
22 May 2016
Linda Tuhiwai Smith
Academic who has made a major contribution to research methods in social justice research.
Jane Soons
Geomorphologist and the first woman professor at the University of Canterbury, and possibly the first in New Zealand.
8 September 2020
Greta Stevenson
Botanist and mycologist, who described many new species of Agaricales (gilled mushrooms).
10 June 1911
18 December 1990
Evelyn Stokes
Historical geographer who worked in the Waitangi Tribunal.
5 December 1936
15 August 2005
Vida Stout
Limnographer and academic administrator, first woman to be Dean of Science at a New Zealand university.
20 February 1930
21 July 2012
Jean Struthers
Botany student in New Zealand and an inspirational chemistry teacher in England and New Zealand
Lydia Suckling
Botanist and school teacher.
Mary Sutherland
Forester and botanist.
4 May 1893
11 March 1955
Miraka Szászy
Māori leader and academic, making significant contributions in education, broadcasting, social welfare and small business development.
7 August 1921
20 December 2001
Merryn Tawhai
Physics professor, she is known for the development of mathematical models of the lungs that will help scientists understand differences between physiologically normal lungs and the pathological changes that might occur in a disease.
20th Century
Grace Marie Taylor
Botanist, mycologist and scientific illustrator
28 April 1930
24 April 1999
Ngahuia Te Awekotuku
Academic, short story writer and essayist
Margaret Tennant
C. Jean Thompson
Statistician and author, who served as president of the New Zealand Statistical Association.
Beatrice Tinsley
Astronomer and cosmologist, whose research made fundamental contributions to the astronomical understanding of how galaxies evolve, grow and die.
27 January 1941
23 March 1981
Colleen Ward
Cross-cultural psychologist
19 August 1952
Joyce Watson
Chemist specialising in fruit disorders and trace elements.
5 July 1918
28 September 2004
Lydia Wevers
Literary historian and critic, editor and book reviewer.
19 March 1950
4 September 2021
Māori experimental gardener and early New Zealand scientist
14th Century
Joan Wiffen
4 February 1922
30 June 2009
Philippa Wiggins
Biochemist and physical chemist, who made significant contributions to the understanding of the structure of water in living cells.
16 July 1925
16 March 2017
Siouxsie Wiles
Microbiologist and science communicator
20th Century
Christine Coe Winterbourn
Pathologist and researcher of the biological chemistry of free radicals.
20th Century
Mimie Wood
Secretary, accountant and librarian
Ann Wylie
Aroha Yates-Smith
Performer and social scientist, researching forgotten Māori female deities
20th Century
Pamela Young
First New Zealand woman to live and work in Antarctica