Șerban Nicolae Foarță (Romanian pronunciation:[ʃerˈbannikoˈla.eˈfo̯art͡sə]; born 8 July 1942, in Turnu Severin) is a contemporary Romanian writer.[1] A translator, essayist, playwright, prose writer and even illustrator, he is most widely known for his poetry books.[2]
Described by the critic Nicolae Manolescu as "the only major mannerist of our literature",[3][page needed] Foarță is far from imitating the imagery of Baroque/mannerist poetry, drawing cues from many other influences and often using citations, pastiches, allusions, cultural references, puns. He has also practiced extensively constrained writing techniques, having been often compared with the French writers of Oulipo (including Georges Perec, who was translated by Foarță himself).
Texte pentru Phoenix (Texts for Phoenix), Litera Publishing House, Bucharest, 1976 (collaboration with Andrei Ujică; reissued and reviewed in 1994)
Șalul, eșarpele Isadorei/Șalul e șarpele Isadorei (The Shawl, Isadora's Scarf/The Shawl Is Isadora's Snake), Litera Publishing House, Bucharest, 1978 (reissued and reviewed in 1999)
Jeu de paume, LiterNet Publishing House, 2006 (collaboration with Alex. Leo Şerban) (e-book)
Cliquet, LiterNet Publishing House, 2006 (e-book)
Douăzeci și opt de Psalmi în transpunerea lui Ș. F. (cu, fiecare-n parte, câte-o imagine de François Pamfil) (28 Psalms Redone By Ș.F. (each with an image by François Pamfil)), Eis Art Publishing House, Iaşi, 2007 (bibliophile edition)
Istoriile unui matroz întors de pe Planeta Roz (The Tellings of a Sailor Who Came Back from the Pink Planet), Brumar Publishing House, Timișoara, 2007
Un mire fără căpătâi (Endless Bridegroom), Polirom Publishing House, Iaşi, 2007 (collaboration with caricaturist Ion Barbu - not to be confused with modernist poet Ion Barbu)
Mr. Clippit & comp., LUDEX Collection, Curtea Veche Publishing House, 2007
Cucul din ceas și pasărea albastră (The Cuckoo from the Clock and the Blue Bird), LUDEX Collection, Curtea Veche Publishing House, 2007 (play)
O brumă de paiete și confetti (Spangle and Confetti Dust), 2007 (collaboration with Emil Brumaru)
Isprăvile lui Degețel și ale altora ca el (The Deeds of Small Finger and Others Like Him), Paralela 45 Publishing House, Piteşti, 2007
Mic tratat de pisicologie (Short Treatise on Catology), Humanitas Publishing House, Bucharest, 2008
Roșul ușor e rozul iluzor (Easy Red Is Illusionary Pink), Humanitas Publishing House, Bucharest, 2008
Micul Print (The Small Print/Prince), ART Publishing House, 2008
Ecclesiastul/Cântarea Cântărilor (The Ecclesiastic. The Song of Songs), ART Publishing House, 2008
Cozerii în lila, Eis Art Publishing House, Iaşi, 2008 (dialogs with Iolanda Malamen)
Cartea lui Iov (Iov's Book), Brumar Publishing House, Timișoara, 2010