Étude No. 12 is a study in glissandos, boldly turning to musical use the normally unpleasant sounds produced when the player's finger slides over the guitar's strings. Like the preceding two studies (and unlike the earlier ones), it is in ternary (ABA) form, with a strongly contrasting middle section (marked più mosso) featuring drumming sounds produced on the fifth and sixth strings together.[3]
Santos, Turibio. 1985. Heitor Villa-Lobos and the Guitar, translated by Victoria Ford and Graham Wade. Gurtnacloona, Bantry: Wise Owl Music.
Villa-Lobos, sua obra. 1989. Third edition. Rio de Janeiro: MinC-SPHAN/Pró-Memória, Museu Villa-Lobos. Online edition, 2009
Further reading
Wright, Simon. 1992. Villa-Lobos. Oxford Studies of Composers. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN0-19-315476-5 (cloth); ISBN0-19-315475-7 (pbk).