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Koka Subba Rao Ketua Hakim Mahkamah Agung IndiaMasa jabatan30 Juni 1966 – 11 April 1967‡ Informasi pribadiKebangsaanIndiaProfesiHakimSunting kotak info • L • B Koka Subba Rao adalah hakim Mahkamah Agung India. Ia diangkat sebagai hakim di mahkamah tersebut pada tanggal 31 Januari 1958. Ia lalu terpilih sebagai Ketua Hakim Mahkamah Agung India pada tanggal 30 Juni 1966. Masa baktinya sebagai hakim di mahkamah tersebut kemudian berakhir pada tanggal 11 April 1967‡.&...

Untuk kegunaan lain, lihat Amtrak (disambiguasi). AmtrakIkhtisarKantor pusatWashington, D.C.Markah laporanAMTK, AMTZ Kode IATA:2VLokalKontinental Amerika Serikat (kecuali Wyoming dan Dakota Selatan), dan rute ke Vancouver, Toronto, Ontario, British Columbia, Quebec dan Montreal di KanadaTanggal beroperasi1971–sekarang Gerbong restorasi Amtrak Kereta ekspres Acela Ekspres di West Windsor, New Jersey. Kereta Amtrak Cascades di Seattle, Washington Kereta Amtrak di pusat kota Orlando, Flori...

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This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: WMXC – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (January 2009) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Radio station in Mobile, AlabamaWMXC Mobile, AlabamaBroadcast areaMobile - Pensacola - Gulf CoastFrequency99.9 MHz (HD Radio)BrandingMix 99.9P...

Philadelphia Public Transit Operator (January 1, 1940 to September 30, 1968) Philadelphia Transportation CompanyA PCC-type trolley and a Brill trackless trolley of PTC, wearing the company's standard paint scheme of green-and-cream in 1968 at 7th Street & Snyder AvenueOverviewLocalePhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.Transit type Rapid transit Trolley/Streetcar Motor bus Trolley bus Headquarters200 W. Wyoming Avenue,[1]Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaOperationBegan operationJanuary 1, 1940E...
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Predicted set of isotopes of relatively more stable superheavy elements For the speech by Jimmy Carter, see Island of Stability (speech). A diagram by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research showing the measured (boxed) and predicted half-lives of superheavy nuclides, ordered by number of protons and neutrons. The expected location of the island of stability around Z = 112 (copernicium) is circled.[1][2] In nuclear physics, the island of stability is a predicted set of isotop...

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American judge (born 1957) Kent A. JordanJudge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third CircuitIncumbentAssumed office December 13, 2006Appointed byGeorge W. BushPreceded byJane Richards RothJudge of the United States District Court for the District of DelawareIn officeNovember 15, 2002 – December 15, 2006Appointed byGeorge W. BushPreceded byRoderick R. McKelvieSucceeded byLeonard P. Stark Personal detailsBorn (1957-10-24) October 24, 1957 (age 66)[1]Wes...

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提示:此条目页的主题不是萧。 簫琴簫與洞簫木管樂器樂器別名豎吹、豎篴、通洞分類管樂器相關樂器 尺八 东汉时期的陶制箫奏者人像,出土於彭山江口汉崖墓,藏於南京博物院 箫又稱洞簫、簫管,是中國古老的吹管樂器,特徵為單管、豎吹、開管、邊稜音發聲[1]。「簫」字在唐代以前本指排簫,唐宋以來,由於單管豎吹的簫日漸流行,便稱編管簫爲排簫�...


Sel trombosit atau keping darah Keping darah, lempeng darah, trombosit (bahasa Inggris: platelet, thrombocyte) (bahasa Yunani: θρόμβος – klot dan κύτος – sel) adalah sel anuclear nulliploid (tidak mempunyai nukleus pada DNA-nya) dengan bentuk tak beraturan dengan ukuran diameter 2-3 µm[1] yang merupakan fragmentasi dari megakariosit.[2] Keping darah tersirkulasi dalam darah dan terlibat dalam mekanisme hemostasis tingkat sel dalam proses pembekuan...
Sales of pirated (unlicensed copies) DVDs are common in Tepito's markets Colonia Morelos is a colonia located just north of the historic center of Mexico City in the Cuauhtémoc borough. It has been a poor area since Aztec times, with many residents today living in large tenements called vecindades. The area, particularly the Tepito neighborhood, is known for crime, especially the sale of stolen merchandise and drugs. It is home to the very large Tepito tianguis or market, and also has two ma...