Als Rentner unterrichteten er und seine Frau Latein und lösten regelmäßig das Kreuzworträtsel der Londoner Times. Gardner starb im Alter von 89 Jahren.
↑Daniel Patrick Moynihan: MEREDITH GARDNER. In: Congressional Record. U.S. Senate and United States Government Printing Office, 12. Juli 1999, S. S8293, abgerufen am 30. April 2009: „Described by the FBI’s Robert Joseph Lamphere as ‘‘the greatest counter-intelligence tool this country has ever known,’’ Gardner was the National Security Agency’s leading enabler of the reading of thousands of enciphered cables intercepted from Soviet foreign intelligence in the 1940’s. The NSA, under its various names, spent four decades deciphering what Moscow intended to be an unbreakable Soviet cipher. Gardner and his team painstakingly worked on these messages in a project which came to be known eventually as ‘‘VENONA.’’ The resulting VENONA decrypts, which were finally revealed publicly in 1995, detail the Soviet’s espionage efforts in the United States during and after World War II.“