Liste der Minerale/F


Von der IMA/CNMNC anerkannte Minerale

Name Symbol Status IMA-Nr.
Fabianit Fbn A 1967 s.p.
Fabrièsit (Fabriesit) Fab Rn 2012-080
Fabritzit Fbz A 2020-040
Faheyit Fah G 1953
Fahleit Fhl A 1982-061
Fairbankit Fbk Rd 2020 s.p.
Fairchildit Fch G 1947
Fairfieldit Ffd G 1879
Faizievit Fai A 2006-037
Falcondoit Fcd A 1976-018
Falgarit Fal A 2018-069
Falkmanit Fmn G 1940
Falottait Flt A 2013-044
Falsterit Fls A 2011-061
Famatinit Fam G 1873
Fanfaniit Ffa A 2018-053
Fangit Fg A 1991-047
Fanguangit Fgu A 2023-112
Fantappièit (Fantappieit) Ftp A 2008-006
Farneseit Far A 2004-043
Farringtonit Frt A 1967 s.p.
Fassinait Fas A 2011-048
Faujasit-Ca Fau-Ca A 1997 s.p.
Faujasit-Mg Fau-Mg A 1997 s.p.
Faujasit-Na Fau-Na Rn 1997 s.p.
Faustit Fst G 1953
Favreauit Fav A 2014-013
Fayalit Fa G 1840
Fedorit Fdr A 1967 s.p.
Fedorovskit Fdo A 1975-006
Fedotovit Fdt A 1986-013
Fehrit Feh A 2018-125a
Feiit Fei A 2017-041a
Feinglosit Fgl A 1995-013
Feitknechtit Fkn A 1968 s.p.
Feklichevit Fek A 2000-017
Felbertalit Fbt A 1999-042
Felsőbányait (Felsöbányait, Felsöbanyait) Fsb G 1854
Fenaksit Fnk A 1962 s.p.
Fencooperit Fco A 2000-023
Fengchengit Fcg A 2007-018a
Feodosiyit Fdy A 2015-063
Ferberit Feb G 1863
Ferchromid Fcr A 1984-022
Ferdowsiit Fdw A 2012-062
Fergusonit-(Ce) Fgs-Ce Q ?
Fergusonit-(Y) Fgs-Y Rn 1987 s.p.
Ferhodsit Frh A 2009-056
Fermiit Fmi A 2014-068
Fernandinit Frn Rd 1994 s.p.
Feroxyhyt Fox A 1975-032
Ferraioloit Frl A 2015-066
Ferrarisit Fer A 1979-020
Ferriakasakait-(Ce) Fak-Ce A 2018-087
Ferriakasakait-(La) Fak-La A 2013-126
Ferriallanit-(Ce) Faln-Ce A 2000-041
Ferriallanit-(La) Faln-La A 2010-066
Ferriandrosit-(Ce) Fea-Ce A 2023-022
Ferriandrosit-(La) Fea-La A 2013-127
Ferribushmakinit Fbmk A 2014-055
Ferricerit-(La) Fecrt-La Rd 2023 s.p.
Ferricopiapit Fcpi G 1939
Ferricoronadit Fcor A 2015-093
Ferrierit-K Frr-K A 1997 s.p.
Ferrierit-Mg Frr-Mg Rn 1997 s.p.
Ferrierit-Na Frr-Na A 1997 s.p.
Ferrierit-NH4 Frr-NH4 A 2017-099
Ferri-Fluoro-Katophorit Fflktp A 2015-096
Ferri-Fluoro-Leakeit Ffllk Rd 2012 s.p.
Ferri-Ghoseit Fgh Rd 2012 s.p.
Ferri-Hellandit-(Ce) Fhld-Ce A 2020-085
Ferrihollandit Fhol A 2012 s.p.
Ferrihydrit Fhy A 1971-015
Ferri-Kaersutit Fkrs A 2014-051
Ferri-Katophorit Fktp Rd 2012 s.p.
Ferri-Leakeit Flk Rd 2012 s.p.
Ferrilotharmeyerit Flmy A 1986-024
Ferrimolybdit Fmyb G 1913
Ferri-Mottanait-(Ce) Fmot-Ce A 2017-087a
Ferrimuirit Fmui A 2023-100
Ferrinatrit Fnat G 1889
Ferri-Obertiit Fob A 2015-079
Ferri-Pedrizit (Ferripedrizit) Fpd Rd 2012 s.p.
Ferriperbøeit-(Ce) (Ferriperböit-(Ce)) Fpbø-Ce A 2017-037
Ferriperbøeit-(La) (Ferriperböit-(La)) Fpbø-La A 2018-106
Ferriphoxit Fphx A 2023-096
Ferriprehnit Fprh A 2020-057
Ferripyrophyllit Fprl A 1978-062
Ferrirockbridgeit Frck A 2018-065
Ferrisanidin Fsa A 2019-052
Ferrisepiolith Fsep A 2010-061
Ferristrunzit Fstz A 1986-023
Ferrisurit Fsur A 1990-056
Ferrisymplesit Fsym Q 1924
Ferri-Taramit Fi-trm A 2021-046
Ferrivauxit Fvx A 2014-003
Ferri-Winchit (Ferriwinchit) Fwnc Rd 2012 s.p.
Ferro-Aktinolith Fact Rd 2012 s.p.
Ferroalluaudit (Ferro-Alluaudit) Fald Rn 2007 s.p.
Ferroaluminoseladonit (Ferro-Aluminoseladonit) Facel Rn 1995-019
Ferro-Anthophyllit Fath Rd 2012 s.p.
Ferroberaunit Fbru A 2021-036
Ferrobobfergusonit Fbfg A 2017-006
Ferro-Bosiit Fbos A 2022-069
Ferrobustamit Fbst G 1937
Ferrochiavennit Fcve A 2012-039
Ferrodimolybdänit Fdmol A 2023-019
Ferro-Edenit Fed Rd 2012 s.p.
Ferroefremovit Fefr A 2019-008
Ferroericssonit Fers A 2010-025
Ferro-Ferri-Fluoro-Leakeit Fffllk Rd 2012 s.p.
Ferro-Ferri-Holmquistit Ffhlm A 2022-020
Ferro-Ferri-Hornblende Ffhbl A 2015-054
Ferro-Ferri-Katophorit Ffktp A 2016-008
Ferro-Ferri-Nybøit (Ferro-Ferri-Nyböit) Ffnyb A 2013-072
Ferro-Ferri-Obertiit Ffob Rd 2012 s.p.
Ferro-Ferri-Pedrizit Ffpd Rd 2012 s.p.
Ferrofettelit Fftt A 2021-094
Ferro-Fluoro-Edenit Ffed A 2020-058
Ferro-Fluoro-Pedrizit Fflpd Rd 2012 s.p.
Ferro-Gedrit (Ferrogedrit) Fged Rd 2012 s.p.
Ferro-Glaukophan Fgln Rd 2012 s.p.
Ferrohexahydrit Fhhy A 1967 s.p.
Ferrohögbomit-2N2S Fhög-2N2S A 2001-048
Ferro-Holmquistit Fhlm Rd 2012 s.p.
Ferro-Hornblende Fhbl Rd 2012 s.p.
Ferroindialith Find A 2013-016
Ferroinnelit Finn A 2024-029
Ferrokarpholith Fcar G 1951
Ferro-Katophorit Foktp Rd 2012 s.p.
Ferrokentbrooksit Fktb A 1999-046
Ferrokësterit Fkës Rn 1985-012
Ferrokinoshitalith Fkns A 1999-026
Ferrolaueit Flae A 1987-046a
Ferromerrillit Fmer A 2006-039
Ferronickelplatin Fnpt A 1982-071
Ferronigerit-2N1S Fng-2N1S Rn 2001 s.p.
Ferronigerit-6N6S Fng-6N6S Rn 2001 s.p.
Ferronordit-(Ce) Fnor-Ce A 1997-008
Ferronordit-(La) Fnor-La A 2000-015
Ferro-Papikeit Fpa A 2020-021
Ferro-Pargasit (Ferropargasit) Fprg Rd 2012 s.p.
Ferro-Pedrizit (Ferropedrizit) Fopd A 2014-037
Ferroqingheiit Fqin Rn 2009-076
Ferrorhodonit Frdn A 2016-016
Ferro-Richterit (Ferrorichterit) Frct Rd 2012 s.p.
Ferrorockbridgeit Forck A 2018-004
Ferrorosemaryit Frmy A 2003-063
Ferrosaponit Fsap A 2002-028
Ferroseladonit Fcel A 1995-018
Ferroselit Fse G 1955
Ferrosilit Fs Rn 1988 s.p.
Ferroskutterudit Fskt A 2006-032
Ferrostalderit Fstd A 2014-090
Ferrostrunzit Fostz A 1983-003
Ferrotaaffeit-2N'2S Ftf-2N'2S A 2011-025
Ferrotaaffeit-6N'3S Ftf-6N'3S Rn 2001 s.p.
Ferro-Taramit Ftrm Rd 2012 s.p.
Ferrotitanowodginit Ftwdg A 1998-028
Ferrotochilinit Ftch A 2010-080
Ferrotorryweiserit Ftyw A 2021-055
Ferro-Tschermakit (Ferrotschermakit) Fts A 2016-116
Ferrotychit Ftyc A 1980-050
Ferrovalleriit Fval A 2011-068
Ferrovorontsovit Fvor A 2017-007
Ferrowodginit Fwdg A 1984-006
Ferrowyllieit Fwyl A 1979 s.p.
Ferruccit Fru G 1933
Fersmanit Fsn G 1929
Fersmit Fsm Rd 2022 s.p.
Feruvit Fuvt A 1987-057
Fervanit Fvn G 1931
Fetiasit Fet A 1991-019
Fettelit Ftt A 1994-056
Feynmanit Fey A 2017-035
Fianelit Fnl A 1995-016
Fibroferrit Ffr G 1833
Fichtelit Fic G 1841
Fiedlerit Fie Rd 1994 s.p.
Fiemmeit Fmm A 2017-115
Filatovit Ftv A 2002-052
Filipstadit Fps Rd 1987-010
Fillowit Fil Rd 1879
Finchit Fin A 2017-052
Finescreekit Fnck A 2022-030
Fingerit Fgr A 1983-064
Finnemanit Fnn G 1923
Fischesserit Fis A 1971-010
Fivegit Fiv A 2009-067
Fizélyit (Fizelyit) Fiz G 1923
Flaggit Flg A 2021-044
Flagstaffit Fsf G 1920
Flamit Fmt A 2013-122
Fleetit Fle A 2018-073b
Fleischerit Fsh A 1962 s.p.
Fleisstalit Fss A 2016-038
Fletcherit Ftc A 1976-044
Flinkit Fln G 1889
Flinteit Fnt A 2014-009
Florencit-(Ce) Flo-Ce Rn 1987 s.p.
Florencit-(La) Flo-La Rn 1987 s.p.
Florencit-(Nd) Flo-Nd A 1971-xxx
Florencit-(Sm) Flo-Sm A 2009-074
Florenskyit Fsk A 1999-013
Florensovit Frs A 1987-012
Flörkeit Flö A 2008-036
Fluckit Fck A 1978-054
Fluellit Fll G 1824
Fluoborit Fbo G 1926
Fluocerit-(Ce) Fcrt-Ce A 1987 s.p.
Fluocerit-(La) Fcrt-La Rn 1987 s.p.
Fluoralforsit Fafr A 2022-093
Fluorannit Fann A 1999-048
Fluorapatit Fap Rn 2010 s.p.
Fluorapophyllit-(Cs) Fapo-Cs A 2018-108a
Fluorapophyllit-(K) Fapo-K Rn 1978 s.p.
Fluorapophyllit-(Na) Fapo-Na Rn 1976-032
Fluorapophyllit-(NH4) Fapo-NH4 A 2019-083
Fluorarrojadit-(BaFe) Fajd-BaFe A 2005-058a
Fluorarrojadit-(BaNa) Fajd-BaNa A 2016-075
Fluorbarytolamprophyllit Fblmp A 2016-089
Fluorbritholith-(Ce) Fbri-Ce A 1991-027
Fluorbritholith-(Nd) A 2023-001
Fluorbritholith-(Y) Fbri-Y A 2009-005
Fluor-Buergerit Fbu Rd 1965-005
Fluorcalciobritholith Fcbri A 2006-010
Fluorcalciomikrolith Fcmic A 2012-036
Fluorcalciopyrochlor Fcpcl A 2013-055
Fluorcalcioroméit (Fluorcalcioromeit) Fcrm A 2012-093
Fluorcanasit Fcns A 2007-031
Fluorcaphit Fcp A 1996-022
Fluorcarletonit Fcto A 2019-038
Fluorcarmoit-(BaNa) Fcm-BaNa A 2015-062
Fluorchegemit Fcgm A 2011-112
Fluor-Dravit Fdrv A 2009-089
Fluor-Elbait Felb A 2011-071
Fluorellestadit Fel Rd 1987-002
Fluorit Flr G ?
Fluorkyuygenit Fky A 2013-043
Fluorlamprophyllit Flmp Rd 2013-102
Fluor-Liddicoatit Fld Rd 1976-041
Fluorluanshiweiit Flw A 2019-053
Fluormacraeit Fmacr A 2024-054
Fluormayenit Fmy A 2013-019
Fluornatrocoulsellit (ehemals Coulsellit) Fnc Rn 2009-070
Fluornatromikrolith Fnmic A 1998-018
Fluornatropyrochlor Fnpcl A 2013-056
Fluoro-Cannilloit (Fluorocannilloit) Fca Rd 2012 s.p.
Fluorocronit Flc A 2010-023
Fluoro-Edenit Fled Rd 2012 s.p.
Fluorokinoshitalith Flkns A 2010-001
Fluoro-Leakeit (Fluoroleakeit) Fllk Rd 2012 s.p.
Fluoro-Nybøit (Fluoronybøit, Fluoronyböit) Fnyb Rd 2012 s.p.
Fluoro-Pargasit (Fluoropargasit) Flprg Rd 2012 s.p.
Fluoro-Pedrizit Flpd Rd 2012 s.p.
Fluorophlogopit Fphl A 2006-011
Fluoro-Richterit Flrct Rd 2012 s.p.
Fluoro-Riebeckit Frbk Rd 2012 s.p.
Fluoro-Taramit Fltrm Rd 2012 s.p.
Fluorotetraferriphlogopit Ftfphl A 2010-002
Fluoro-Tremolit (Fluorotremolit) Ftr A 2016-018
Fluorowardit Fwd A 2012-016
Fluorphosphohedyphan Fphdy Rn 2008-068
Fluorpyromorphit Fpym A 2021-120
Fluor-Rewitzerit Frwz A 2023-115
Fluor-Rossmanit Frsm A 2023-111
Fluor-Schörl Fsrl A 2010-067
Fluorsigaiit Fsig A 2021-087a
Fluorstrophit (Strontiumapatit) Fstr Rn 2010 s.p.
Fluor-Tsilaisit Ftl A 2012-044
Fluor-Uvit Fluvt Rd 2011 s.p.
Fluorvesuvianit Fves A 2000-037
Fluorwavellit Fwav A 2015-077
Flurlit Flu Rd 2014-064
Foggit Fgg A 1973-067
Fogoit-(Y) Fog-Y Rd 2014-098
Foitit Foi A 1992-034
Folvikit Fvk A 2016-026
Fontanit Ftn A 1991-034
Fontarnauit Fon A 2009-096a
Foordit Foo A 1984-070
Footemineit Ftm A 2006-029
Forêtit (Foretit) Frê A 2011-100
Formanit-(Y) Frm-Y Rn 1987 s.p.
Formicait Fmc A 1998-030
Fornacit For G 1915
Forsterit Fo G 1824
Foshagit Fos G 1925
Fougèrit (Fougerit) Fgè Rd 2003-057
Fourmarierit Fmr G 1924
Fowlerit Fwl Q 1832
Fraipontit Fpt G 1927
Francevillit Fvl Rn 2007 s.p.
Franciscanit Fcc A 1985-038
Francisit Fcs A 1989-028
Franckeit Fke G 1893
Francoanellit Fan A 1974-051
Françoisit-(Ce) Frç-Ce A 2004-029
Françoisit-(Nd) Frç-Nd A 1987-041
Franconit Fra A 1981-006a
Frankamenit Fkm A 1994-050
Frankdicksonit Fds A 1974-015
Frankhawthorneit Fht A 1993-047
Franklinfurnaceit Fkf A 1986-034
Franklinit Frk G 1819
Franklinphilit Fkp A 1990-050
Franksousait Fns A 2021-096
Fransoletit Fsl A 1982-096
Franzinit Frz A 1976-020
Freboldit Fbd G 1957
Fredrikssonit Fdk A 1983-040
Freedit Fre A 1984-012
Freieslebenit Flb G 1845
Freitalit Fta A 2019-116
Fresnoit Fno A 1964-012
Freudenbergit Fdb A 1967 s.p.
Friedelit Fdl G 1876
Friedrichbeckeit Fri A 2008-019
Friedrichit Frd A 1977-031
Friisit Fii A 2024-047
Fritzscheit Fzs G 1865
Frohbergit Frb G 1947
Frolovit Flv G 1957
Frondelit Fnd G 1949
Froodit Fro G 1958
Fuenzalidait Fzl A 1993-021
Fuettererit Fue A 2011-111
Fukalith Fk A 1976-003
Fukuchilit Fuk A 1967-009
Fulbrightit Fbg A 2019-032
Fülöppit Fül G 1929
Furongit Frg A 1982 s.p.
Furutobeit Fur A 1978-040
Fuyuanit Fuy A 2024-059

Mineralgruppen und Sammelbezeichnungen

Varietäten, Synonyme, diskreditierte Minerale


  1. Ferrotellurit. In: Mineralienatlas Lexikon. Geolitho Stiftung, abgerufen am 13. Dezember 2020.

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