Laut Google Scholar hat McNeill einen h-Index von 68 und kommt auf insgesamt 16755 Zitierungen.[5]
Viel zitierte Publikationen
Anne L. Boreen, William A. Arnold, Kristopher McNeill: Photochemical Fate of Sulfa Drugs in the Aquatic Environment: Sulfa Drugs Containing Five-Membered Heterocyclic Groups. In: Environmental Science & Technology. Band38, Nr.14, 2004, S.3933–3940, doi:10.1021/es0353053.
Anne L. Boreen, William A. Arnold, Kristopher McNeill: Photodegradation of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment: A review. In: Aquatic Sciences. Band65, Nr.4, 2003, S.320–341, doi:10.1007/s00027-003-0672-7.
Jennifer L. Packer, Jeffrey J. Werner, Douglas E. Latch, Kristopher McNeill, William A. Arnold: Photochemical fate of pharmaceuticals in the environment: Naproxen, diclofenac, clofibric acid, and ibuprofen. In: Aquatic Sciences. Band65, Nr.4, 2003, S.342–351, doi:10.1007/s00027-003-0671-8.
Kristopher McNeill, Silvio Canonica: Triplet state dissolved organic matter in aquatic photochemistry: reaction mechanisms, substrate scope, and photophysical properties. In: Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts. Band18, Nr.11, 2016, S.1381–1399, doi:10.1039/C6EM00408C.