Dieser Artikel beschreibt den Künstler Christian Wulffen. Für den Schriftsteller, der diesen Namen als Pseudonym verwendet, siehe Wolfgang Paul (Schriftsteller).
„I am concerned with how artists achieve knowledge and how they structure knowledge. [...]
To convey [a] notion of action as a mode of knowledge production, I use specific symbols for my work, one of these: boards that are pre-manufactured with three vertical slots and one horizontal slot (plywood).
From the viewer’s perspective, the board has the option to hold various information. From my perspective, I see this as a concept to display information to exercise the different links in its display from one board to another. My environment is a grid—one of the hallmarks of modernist abstraction and capable, as a visual symbol, of signifying a whole system of art production and thought. This idea is depends on the perspective of the viewer and how that viewer is situated in a distributed network of production and reception of the information about this subject.
Crucially for me, the painting, the paper, and the board [...], simulate the portability of information. I am interested in its mobility as a sign in which sender and recipient receive the same information but decode it differently depending on their respective environments.“
„Die Konstruktion der Wirklichkeit geht von den Dingen aus, die uns begegnen, aber ganz entscheidend von der Konstruiertheit unserer Wahrnehmung selbst. Dies könnte die allgemeinste Antwort sein auf die Frage nach dem Bedeutungsgehalt der Werke von Christian Wulffen.‘“