Son Chang-min
Son Chang-min (Korean: 손창민; bɛ dɔɣi o la Anashaara goli April 24, 1965) ka o nyɛ South Korea kpɛrikpɛrita.[1]
Filim nima
- The Weird Missing Case of Mr. J (정승필 실종사건, 2009)
- Bank Attack (마을금고 연쇄습격사건, 2007) (cameo)
- The Mafia, the Salesman (상사부일체, 2007)
- A Wacky Switch (나도야 간다, 2004)
- Father and Son: The Story of Mencius (맹부삼천지교, 2004)
- T.R.Y. (トライ, 트라이, 2003)
- Jungle Juice (정글주스, 2001)
- Firebird (불새, 1997)
- Father vs. Son (박대박, 1997)
- A Heavy Bird (무거운 새, 1994)
- Sudden Change (아주 특별한 변신, 1994)
- Woman for Love, Woman for Marriage (사랑하고 싶은 여자, 결혼하고 싶은 여자, 1993)
- Silver Stallion (은마는 오지 않는다, 1991)
- Camels Don't Cry Alone (낙타는 따로 울지 않는다, 1991)
- All That Falls Has Wings (추락하는 것은 날개가 있다, 1990)
- Gagman (개그맨, 1988)
- Whale Hunting, Part 2 (고래 사냥 2, 1985)
- My Love Jjang-gu (내 사랑 짱구, 1985)
- There Must Be Mother, Somewhere (어딘가에 엄마가, 1978)
- Flower Shoes (꽃신, 1978)
- Blood Relations (핏줄, 1976)
- Mother and Son (어머니와 아들, 1976)
- Mr. Bull (소띠 아저씨, 1974)
- An Inmate (동거인, 1974)
- Unforgettable Mother's Love (잊지 못할 모정, 1974)
- Orders for Assassination (암살지령, 1974)
- Wrath of an Angel (천사의 분노, 1973)
- Mom's Wedding (엄마결혼식, 1973)
- A Family with Many Daughters (딸부자집, 1973)
- Two Sons Crying for Their Mother's Love (모정에 우는 두아들, 1972)
- Looking for Sons and Daughters (아들 딸 찾아 천리길, 1972)
- The Wedding Ring (결혼반지, 1972)
- Ahn Jung-geun, the Patriot (의사 안중근, 1972)
- Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter (봄, 여름, 가을 그리고 겨울, 1971)
External links
Tɛmplet:Baeksang Arts Awards for Best New Actor (TV)
Tɛmplet:Grimae Awards for Best Actor