Regency TR-1

Verdens første kommercielt tilgængelige transistorradio; Regency TR-1. Kunne kun modtage mellembølgebåndet. Bemærk de små (her røde) trekanter (CD [civil defense] mærker). Trekanterne viste hvor man skulle lytte i tilfælde af atomkrig.[1]

Den første kommercielt tilgængelige transistorradio blev præsenteret 18. oktober 1954 af Regency Division of Industrial Development Engineering Associates of Indianapolis, Indiana.[2] Den hed Regency TR-1 og blev sat til salg november 1954 hvor den kostede US$ 49,95 (svarende til US$ 361 i 2005), og blev solgt i omkring 100.000 enheder.[1][3] Regency TR-1 var en ægte superheterodynmodtager med god følsomhed og uden ekstern antenne med 4 transistorer.[4][5]

De anvendte bipolare transistorers produktkoder er TI210, TI222 x2 og TI223.[6][7][8][9][10]


  1. ^ a b Transistor radio mini-history Citat: "...CD [civil defense] marks. These were in the shape of little triangular marks which should appear in all the transistor radios made up to 1963. These marks were meant to show the frequencies for the emergency tuning of the radios in case of nuclear attack from the USSR..."
  2. ^ Texas Instruments: TI Information Bulletin Citat: "...First Commercial Transistor Radio. TI Supplying Transistors for First "Pocket Size" Radio. DALLAS (October 18, 1954) - TI's part in the production of the first commercial transistorized radio receiver will be announced beginning today in newspapers throughout the country. The "pocket size" radio has four TI transistors. It also uses a TI subminiature output transformer...The receiver is being assembled and marketed by the Regency Division of Industrial Development Engineering Associates, Inc., Indianapolis. It will be available this week to the public through sales outlets in Los Angeles and New York City...TIers can justly be proud of being the first to produce a high-gain transistor at a cost permitting its application to the high-volume commercial market..."
  3. ^ Website about the first transistor radioby Dr. Steven Reyer, a Professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at the Milwaukee School of Engineering, The Breakthrough Breadboard Feasibility Model: The Development of the First All-Transistor Radio,
  4. ^ Elektronisk diagram af Regency TR-1: Schematic of Regency TR-1
  5. ^ Regency TR1 Schematic
  6. ^ 1954 Regency TR-1 Citat: "...Four transistors (Texas Instruments, TI210, 2x TI222, TI223; + one diode (various manufacturers), superheterodyne circuit. 22.5 volt battery...", backup
  7. ^ Regency TR-1 Pocket Radio
  8. ^ TI210
  9. ^ TI222
  10. ^ TI223

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