Dyna rhestr penodau The Simpsons.
- 1. Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire ("Simpsons Rhostio ar Dân Agored ")
- 2. Bart the Genius ("Bart yr Athrylith")
- 3. Homer's Odyssey ("Odyssey Homer")
- 4. There's No Disgrace Like Home (Does Dim Gwarth Fel Cartref")
- 5. Bart the General ("Bart y Cadfridog")
- 6. Moaning Lisa ("Cwyno Lisa")
- 7. The Call of the Simpsons ("Galwad y Simpsons")
- 8. The Telltale Head ("Y Pennaeth Telltale")
- 9. Life on the Fastlane ("Bywyd ar Lôn Gyflym")
- 10. Homer's Night Out ("Noson Allan Homer")
- 11. The Crêpes of Wrath ("Y Crêpes o Digofaint")
- 12. Krusty Gets Busted ("Crystiog yn Cael ei Fwsio")
- 13. Some Enchanted Evening ("Rhai Noson Hudolus")
- 14. Bart Gets an F ("Mae Bart yn Cael F")
- 15. Simpson and Delilah ("Simpson a Delilah")
- 16. Treehouse of Horror ("Coeden Tŷ Arswyd")
- 17. Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish ("Dau gar mewn Garej Byth a Thri Llygad ar Bob Pysgod")
- 18. Dancin' Homer ("Dawnsio Homer")
- 19. Dead Putting Society ("Cymdeithas Rhoi Marw")
- 20. Bart vs. Thanksgiving ("Bart yn erbyn Diolchgarwch")
- 21. Bart the Daredevil ("Bart y Meiddio Diafol")
- 22. Itchy & Scratchy & Marge ("Coslyd & Crafu & Marge")
- 23. Bart Gets Hit by a Car ("Bart yn Gael ei Daro gan Gar")
- 24. One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish" ("Un Pysgod, Dau Pysgod, Pysgod Chwythu, Pysgod Glas")
- 25. The Way We Was ("Y Ffordd Oeddem")
- 26. Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment ("Homer vs. Lisa a'r Wythfed Gorchymyn")
- 27. Principal Charming ("Prifathro Swynol")
- 28. Oh Brother, Where Art Thou ("O Frawd, Ble Wyt Ti")
- 29. Bart's Dog Gets an F ("Ci Bart yn Cael F")
- 30. Old Money ("Hen Arian")
- 31. Brush with Greatness ("Brwsiwch gyda Mawredd")
- 32. Lisa's Substitute ("Dirprwy Lisa")
- 33. The War of the Simpsons ("Y Rhyfel y Simpsonau")
- 34. Three Men and a Comic Book ("Tri Dynion a Llyfr Comig")
- 35. Blood Feud ("Gwaed Feud")
- 36. Stark Raving Dad
- 37. Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington
- 38. When Flanders Failed
- 39. Bart the Murderer ("Bart y Llofrudd")
- 40. Homer Defined
- 41. Like Father, Like Clown
- 42. Treehouse of Horror II ("Coeden Tŷ Arswyd II")
- 43. Lisa's Pony ("Merlyn Lisa")
- 44. Saturdays of Thunder
- 45. Flaming Moe's
- 46. Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk
- 47. I Married Marge
- 48. Radio Bart
- 49. Lisa the Greek
- 50. Homer Alone
- 51. Bart the Lover
- 52. Homer at the Bat
- 53. Separate Vocations
- 54. Dog of Death
- 55. Colonel Homer
- 56. Black Widower
- 57. The Otto Show
- 58. Bart's Friend Falls in Love
- 59. Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?
- 60. Kamp Krusty
- 61. A Streetcar Named Marge
- 62. Homer the Heretic
- 63. Lisa the Beauty Queen
- 64. Treehouse of Horror III
- 65. Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie
- 66. Marge Gets a Job
- 67. New Kid on the Block
- 68. Mr. Plow
- 69. Lisa's First Word
- 70. Homer's Triple Bypass
- 71. Marge vs. the Monorail
- 72. Selma's Choice
- 73. Brother from the Same Planet
- 74. I Love Lisa
- 75. Duffless
- 76. Last Exit to Springfield
- 77. So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show
- 78. The Front
- 79. Whacking Day
- 80. Marge in Chains
- 81. Krusty Gets Kancelled
- 82. Homer's Barbershop Quartet
- 83. Cape Feare
- 84. Homer Goes to College
- 85. Rosebud
- 86. Treehouse of Horror IV ("Coeden Tŷ Arswyd IV")
- 87. Marge on the Lam
- 88. Bart's Inner Child
- 89. Boy-Scoutz N the Hood
- 90. The Last Temptation of Homer
- 91. $pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)
- 92. Homer the Vigilante
- 93. Bart Gets Famous
- 94. Homer and Apu ("Homer ac Apu")
- 95. Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy ("Lisa yn erbyn Malibu Stacy")
- 96. Deep Space Homer
- 97. Homer Loves Flanders
- 98. Bart Gets an Elephant
- 99. Burns' Heir ("Etifedd Burns")
- 100. Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baadasssss Song
- 101. The Boy Who Knew Too Much
- 102. Lady Bouvier's Lover
- 103. Secrets of a Successful Marriage
- 104. Bart of Darkness
- 105. Lisa's Rival ("Cydymgeisydd Lisa")
- 106. Another Simpsons Clip Show
- 107. Itchy & Scratchy Land
- 108. Sideshow Bob Roberts
- 109. Treehouse of Horror V ("Coeden Tŷ Arswyd V")
- 110. Bart's Girlfriend ("Cariad Bart")
- 111. Lisa on Ice
- 112. Homer Badman
- 113. Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy
- 114. Fear of Flying
- 115. Homer the Great ("Homer Fawr")
- 116. And Maggie Makes Three
- 117. Bart's Comet
- 118. Homie the Clown ("Homer y Clown")
- 119. Bart vs. Australia ("Bart yn erbyn Awstralia")
- 120. Homer vs. Patty & Selma ("Homer yn erbyn Patty a Selma")
- 121. A Star Is Burns
- 122. Lisa's Wedding ("Priodas Lisa")
- 123. Two Dozen and One Greyhounds
- 124. The PTA Disbands
- 125. 'Round Springfield
- 126. The Springfield Connection
- 127. Lemon of Troy
- 128. Who Shot Mr. Burns? Part 1
- 401. He Loves to Fly and He D'ohs
- 402. Homer of Seville
- 403. Midnight Towboy
- 404. I Don't Wanna Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
- 405. Treehouse of Horror XVIII
- 406. Little Orphan Millie
- 407. Husbands and Knives
- 408. Funeral for a Friend
- 409. Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson Mind
- 410. E Pluribus Wiggum
- 411. That '90s Show
- 412. Love, Springfieldian Style
- 413. The Debarted
- 414. Dial 'N' for Nerder
- 415. Smoke on the Daughter
- 416. Papa Don't Leech
- 417. Apocalypse Cow
- 418. Any Given Sundance
- 419. Mona Leaves-a
- 420. All About Lisa