Scaevola taccada (syn, S. sericea) es troba a la zona de platja de moltes zones marítimes tropicals arreu dels oceans del món.[3] Sovint representa una amenaça per les plantes dels litorals d'alguns països.[4]
↑ Dianella G. Howarth and David A. Baum. 2005. "Genealogical evidence of homoploid hybrid speciation in an adaptive radiation of Scaevola (Goodeniaceae) in the Hawaiian Islands". Evolution59(5):948-961.
↑DaCosta-Cottam, M., Olynik, J., Blumenthal, J., Godbeer, K.D., Gibb, J., Bothwell, J., Burton, F.J., Bradley, P.E., Band, A., Austin, T., Bush, P., Johnson, B.J., Hurlston, L., Bishop, L., McCoy, C., Parsons, G., Kirkconnell, J., Halford, S. and Ebanks-Petrie, G. 2009. Cayman Islands National Biodiversity Action Plan 2009. Cayman Islands Government. Department of Environment.[1]
Howarth, Dianella G.; Gustafsson, Mats H.G.; Baum, David A. & Motley, Timothy J. (2003): Phylogenetics of the genus Scaevola (Goodeniaceae): implication for dispersal patterns across the Pacific Basin and colonization of the Hawaiian Islands. Am. J. Bot.90(6): 915-213. PDF fulltextSupplemental dataArxivat 2010-06-26 a Wayback Machine.