Possibles rutes dels vaixells que van portar ambaixades a la dinastia Tang .
Les missions japoneses a la Xina van ser una sèrie de missions diplomàtiques que foren enviades de manera intermitent des del Japó a la cort imperial xinesa . Tota distinció entre els enviats diplomàtics despatxats des de la cort del Japó Imperial o des de qualsevol dels shogunats japonesos es perdia o era jutjada com irrellevant quan l'ambaixador era rebut a la capital xinesa.
Vegeu també
Ackroyd , Joyce. (1982) Lessons from History: The Tokushi Yoron . Brisbane: University of Queensland Press . ISBN 0-702-21485-X ; ISBN 978-0-702-21485-1
Goodrich, Luther Carrington and Zhaoying Fang. (1976). Dictionary of Ming biography, 1368-1644 (明代名人傳), Vol. I; Dictionary of Ming biography, 1368-1644 (明代名人傳), Vol. II. New York: Columbia University Press . ISBN 0231038011 /ISBN 9780231038010 ; ISBN 023103833X /ISBN 9780231038331 ; OCLC 1622199
Kitagawa, Hiroshi and Bruce T. Tsuchida. (1977). The Tale of the Heike. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press . ISBN 0-860-08128-1 ; ISBN 978-0-860-08128-9 ; OCLC 1684591
Mizuno, Norihito. (2003). China in Tokugawa Foreign Relations: The Tokugawa Bakufu’s Perception of and Attitudes toward Ming-Qing China, p. 109. excerpt from Japan and Its East Asian Neighbors: Japan's Perceptionf of China and Korea and the Making of Foreign Policy fromthe Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Century, Ph.D. dissertation, Ohio State University, 2004, as cited in Tsutsui, William M. (2009). A Companion to Japanese History, p. 83.
Nussbaum, Louis Frédéric and Käthe Roth. (2005). Japan Encyclopedia. Cambridge: Harvard University Press . ISBN 0-674-01753-6 ; ISBN 978-0-674-01753-5 ; OCLC 48943301
Ponsonby-Fane , Richard Arthur Brabazon. (1959). The Imperial House of Japan. Kyoto: Ponsonby Memorial Society. OCLC 194887
Titsingh, Isaac. (1834). Nihon Odai Ichiran ; ou, Annales des empereurs du Japon. Paris: Royal Asiatic Society, Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and Ireland. OCLC 5850691
Varley, H. Paul. (1973). Japanese Culture: A Short History. [Enllaç no actiu ] New York: Praeger Publishers . OCLC 590531
__________. (1980). Jinnō Shōtōki: A Chronicle of Gods and Sovereigns. Nova York: Columbia University Press. ISBN 0-231-04940-4 ; ISBN 978-0-231-04940-5 ; OCLC 59145842
Yoda, Yoshiie. (1996). The Foundations of Japan's Modernization: a comparison with China's Path towards Modernization. Leiden: Brill. ISBN 9-004-09999-9 /ISBN 978-9-004-09999-9 ; OCLC 246732011
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