Llista d'estrelles de Sagitari

La llista d'estrelles de Sagitari pretén recollir de forma sintètica i mostrant algunes poques de les seves principals característiques de les estrelles notables de la Constel·lació del Sagitari, ordenades, a priori, per ordre decreixent de brillantor.

Nom B F G. Var HD HIP RA Dec mag.
Dist. (al) Tipus sp. Notes
ε Sgr ε 20 61 169022 90185 18h 24m 10.35s −34° 23′ 03.5″ 1.79 −1.44 145 B9.5III Kaus Australis
σ Sgr σ 34 112 175191 92855 18h 55m 15.92s −26° 17′ 47.7″ 2.05 −2.14 224 B2.5V Nunki, Sadira
ζ Sgr ζ 38 130 176687 93506 19h 02m 36.72s −29° 52′ 48.4″ 2.60 0.42 89 A3IV Ascella
δ Sgr δ 19 54 168454 89931 18h 20m 59.62s −29° 49′ 40.9″ 2.72 −2.14 306 K3III Kaus Media (Kaus Medius, Kaus Meridionalis)
λ Sgr λ 22 67 169916 90496 18h 27m 58.27s −25° 25′ 16.5″ 2.82 0.95 77 K1IIIb Kaus Borealis
π Sgr π 41 147 178524 94141 19h 09m 45.83s −21° 01′ 24.7″ 2.88 −2.77 440 F2II/III Al Baldah,[1] Nir al Beldat, Lucida Oppidi[2]
γ² Sgr γ² 10 28 165135 88635 18h 05m 48.52s −30° 25′ 25.1″ 2.98 0.63 96 K0III Alnasl, Nash, Nushaba
η Sgr η 46 167618 89642 18h 17m 37.73s −36° 45′ 40.6″ 3.10 −0.20 149 M2III Rabah al Waridah, Quarta τού al Warida,[2] variable irregular
φ Sgr φ 27 95 173300 92041 18h 45m 39.35s −26° 59′ 26.8″ 3.17 −1.08 231 B8.5III Aoul al Sadirah, Prima τού al Sadirah[2]
τ Sgr τ 40 139 177716 93864 19h 06m 56.44s −27° 40′ 11.3″ 3.32 0.48 120 K1/K2III
ξ² Sgr ξ² 37 120 175775 93085 18h 57m 43.78s −21° 06′ 23.8″ 3.52 −1.77 372 G8/K0II/III
ο Sgr ο 39 136 177241 93683 19h 04m 40.93s −21° 44′ 28.9″ 3.76 0.61 139 K0III Manubrium [3]
μ Sgr μ 13 41 166937 89341 18h 13m 45.81s −21° 03′ 31.8″ 3.84 >3000 B2III: Polis;[1] sistema estel·lar quintuple; variable Algol
ρ¹ Sgr ρ¹ 44 174 181577 95168 19h 21m 40.38s −17° 50′ 50.1″ 3.92 1.06 122 F0III/IV variable δ Sct
β¹ Sgr β¹ 168 181454 95241 19h 22m 38.29s −44° 27′ 32.1″ 3.96 −1.36 378 B9V Arkab Prior
α Sgr α 177 181869 95347 19h 23m 53.15s −40° 36′ 56.3″ 3.96 0.38 170 B8V Rukbat, Alrami
ι Sgr ι 241 188114 98032 19h 55m 15.68s −41° 52′ 06.3″ 4.12 0.30 189 K0III
β² Sgr β² 172 181623 95294 19h 23m 13.06s −44° 47′ 58.7″ 4.27 1.13 139 F2III Arkab Posterior
θ¹ Sgr θ¹ 256 189103 98412 19h 59m 44.17s −35° 16′ 34.5″ 4.37 −2.02 617 B2.5IV
62 Sgr c 62 265 V3872 189763 98688 20h 02m 39.46s −27° 42′ 35.6″ 4.43 −1.26 448 M4III V3872 Sgr; forma part de Terebellum; variable irregular
υ Sgr υ 46 176 181615 95176 19h 21m 43.62s −15° 57′ 18.0″ 4.52 −4.03 1672 B2Vpe+A2IaS prototipus d'estrella binària amb deficiència d'hidrògen; estrella Be
X Sgr 3 2 X 161592 87072 17h 47m 33.63s −27° 49′ 50.7″ 4.53 −3.06 1076 F7II variable cefeida
59 Sgr 59 250 188603 98162 19h 56m 56.82s −27° 10′ 11.5″ 4.54 −3.30 1207 K3III forma part de Terebellum
HD 165634 31 165634 88839 18h 08m 04.96s −28° 27′ 25.3″ 4.55 −0.59 348 K0IIICNpvar
52 Sgr 52 207 184707 96465 19h 36m 42.39s −24° 53′ 00.8″ 4.59 0.77 189 B8/B9V
γ¹ Sgr γ¹ 26 W 164975 88567 18h 05m 01.22s −29° 34′ 48.3″ 4.66 −4.36 2076 G0Ib/II W Sgr; variable cefeida
HD 167818 51 167818 89678 18h 18m 03.19s −27° 02′ 33.5″ 4.66 −2.00 700 K3III
ω Sgr ω 58 248 188376 98066 19h 55m 50.23s −26° 17′ 58.9″ 4.70 2.82 78 G3/G5III forma part de Terebellum
4 Sgr 4 15 163955 88116 17h 59m 47.56s −23° 48′ 57.6″ 4.74 −0.89 436 B9V
HD 189831 268 189831 98761 20h 03m 33.41s −37° 56′ 25.8″ 4.77 −0.70 405 K4III
21 Sgr 21 65 169420 90289 18h 25m 21.04s −20° 32′ 29.8″ 4.81 −1.50 597 A1/A2V
60 Sgr A 60 255 189005 98353 19h 58m 57.18s −26° 11′ 45.0″ 4.84 −0.25 340 G8II/III forma part de Terebellum
HD 172910 91 172910 91918 18h 44m 19.36s −35° 38′ 30.9″ 4.86 −0.84 451 B2V
ν¹ Sgr ν¹ 32 111 174974 92761 18h 54m 10.18s −22° 44′ 41.4″ 4.86 −3.91 1852 K1II Ain al Rami[1]
ψ Sgr ψ 42 155 179950 94643 19h 15m 32.40s −25° 15′ 23.8″ 4.86 −0.16 330 K0/K1III+..
56 Sgr f 56 229 186648 97290 19h 46m 21.82s −19° 45′ 39.2″ 4.87 0.88 205 K0III
43 Sgr d 43 160 180540 94820 19h 17m 38.09s −18° 57′ 10.4″ 4.88 −1.20 535 K0III
11 Sgr 11 40 166464 89153 18h 11m 43.33s −23° 42′ 04.2″ 4.96 0.59 244 K0III
HD 190056 270 190056 98842 20h 04m 19.56s −32° 03′ 22.6″ 4.99 0.00 324 K1III/IV
14 G. Sgr 14 163755 88060 17h 59m 05.28s −30° 15′ 10.8″ 5.00 −2.29 934 K5/M0III
ν² Sgr ν² 35 113 175190 92845 18h 55m 07.07s −22° 40′ 16.5″ 5.00 0.41 270 K1Ib/II Ain al Rami[1]
61 Sgr g 61 253 188899 98258 19h 57m 57.02s −15° 29′ 28.5″ 5.01 0.25 292 A2V
ξ¹ Sgr ξ¹ 36 119 175687 93057 18h 57m 20.48s −20° 39′ 22.8″ 5.02 −5.92 5015 B9.5Ib
χ¹ Sgr χ¹ 47 181 182369 95477 19h 25m 16.45s −24° 30′ 30.4″ 5.02 0.87 221 A4IV/V
55 Sgr 55 225 186005 96950 19h 42m 31.09s −16° 07′ 26.3″ 5.06 1.42 175 F3IV/V
76 G. Sgr 76 170680 90806 18h 31m 26.30s −18° 24′ 09.5″ 5.12 1.04 213 B9/B9.5V
29 Sgr 29 104 174116 92390 18h 49m 40.11s −20° 19′ 29.1″ 5.22 −1.59 749 K2III
77 G. Sgr 77 171034 91014 18h 33m 57.76s −33° 00′ 59.5″ 5.28 −3.90 2233 B2III/IV
15 Sgr 15 43 167264 89439 18h 15m 12.91s −20° 43′ 41.8″ 5.29 B0/1Ia/ab
54 Sgr 54 221 185644 96808 19h 40m 43.34s −16° 17′ 35.3″ 5.30 0.92 245 K1III
θ² Sgr θ² 256 189118 98421 19h 59m 51.28s −34° 41′ 51.5″ 5.30 1.89 157 A4/A5IV
V3961 Sgr 235 V3961 187474 97749 19h 51m 50.59s −39° 52′ 27.6″ 5.32 0.24 339 A0p variable α² CVn
HR 7703 279 191408 99461 20h 11m 11.61s −36° 05′ 50.6″ 5.32 6.41 20 K2V estrella binària propera
V4050 Sgr 59 V4050 168733 90074 18h 22m 53.08s −36° 40′ 10.2″ 5.33 −1.06 619 B7Ib/II variable α² CVn
7 Sgr 7 20 164584 88380 18h 02m 51.10s −24° 16′ 56.7″ 5.37 −2.28 1105 F2/F3II/III
75 G. Sgr 75 170479 90763 18h 31m 04.85s −32° 59′ 20.4″ 5.37 0.22 350 A5V
28 Sgr 28 99 173460 92111 18h 46m 20.59s −22° 23′ 31.9″ 5.37 −2.60 1278 K5III
χ3 Sgr χ3 49 182 182416 95503 19h 25m 29.67s −23° 57′ 44.7″ 5.45 −0.50 505 K3III
193 G. Sgr 193 183275 95865 19h 29m 52.17s −26° 59′ 07.8″ 5.46 1.00 254 K1/K2III
212 G. Sgr 212 184985 96536 19h 37m 34.48s −14° 18′ 05.2″ 5.46 3.01 101 F7V
14 Sgr 14 42 167036 89369 18h 14m 15.91s −21° 42′ 47.2″ 5.49 −0.46 505 K2III
24 Sgr 24 78 171115 91004 18h 33m 53.49s −24° 01′ 56.2″ 5.49 −4.62 3432 K3III
134 G. Sgr 134 177074 93667 19h 04m 25.06s −31° 02′ 49.3″ 5.49 −0.63 546 A0V
226 G. Sgr 226 186185 97063 19h 43m 33.45s −15° 28′ 10.8″ 5.49 2.67 120 F5V
126 G. Sgr 126 176162 93225 18h 59m 23.80s −12° 50′ 25.7″ 5.51 −0.48 514 B4V
153 G. Sgr 153 179497 94437 19h 13m 15.52s −12° 16′ 57.0″ 5.51 −0.68 565 K3III
228 G. Sgr 228 186500 97260 19h 46m 01.22s −31° 54′ 30.7″ 5.51 −0.61 545 B8III
32 G. Sgr 32 165687 88816 18h 07m 48.40s −17° 09′ 15.5″ 5.52 1.10 249 K0III
60 G. Sgr 60 168838 90124 18h 23m 28.82s −36° 14′ 16.8″ 5.52 0.57 319 K0III
37 G. Sgr 37 166023 89020 18h 10m 05.81s −30° 43′ 43.0″ 5.53 0.31 360 K1III + (F)
114 G. Sgr 114 175317 92882 18h 55m 31.02s −16° 22′ 34.3″ 5.56 3.03 104 F5/F6IV/V
V4024 Sgr 144 V4024 178175 93996 19h 08m 16.70s −19° 17′ 25.0″ 5.56 −2.80 1531 B2V variable γ Cas; estrella Be
50 Sgr 50 185 182629 95564 19h 26m 19.13s −21° 46′ 36.1″ 5.57 −0.59 556 K1/K2III
18 Sgr 18 63 169233 90260 18h 25m 01.51s −30° 45′ 23.0″ 5.58 −0.93 653 K0III
162 G. Sgr 162 180885 94986 19h 19m 39.99s −35° 25′ 17.1″ 5.59 −3.17 1842 B4III
165 G. Sgr 165 181240 95077 19h 20m 38.16s −22° 24′ 09.4″ 5.59 1.81 186 A6:m...
κ¹ Sgr κ¹ 292 193571 100469 20h 22m 27.48s −42° 02′ 57.7″ 5.60 1.23 244 A0V
74 G. Sgr 74 170433 90687 18h 30m 11.84s −18° 43′ 42.9″ 5.63 0.86 293 K0III
131 G. Sgr 131 176704 93498 19h 02m 27.69s −24° 50′ 47.0″ 5.63 0.99 276 K2III
51 Sgr 51 204 V5548 184552 96406 19h 36m 01.65s −24° 43′ 08.5″ 5.64 0.89 290 A1m... V5548 Sgr; variable δ Sct
κ² Sgr κ² 294 193807 100591 20h 23m 53.19s −42° 25′ 22.5″ 5.64 0.36 370 A3V
262 G. Sgr 262 189245 98470 20h 00m 20.16s −33° 42′ 09.9″ 5.65 4.05 68 F7V
186 G. Sgr 186 182681 95619 19h 26m 56.47s −29° 44′ 35.2″ 5.66 1.46 225 B8/B9V
209 G. Sgr 209 184835 96496 19h 37m 03.33s −18° 13′ 51.7″ 5.66 0.00 442 K0III
33 Sgr 33 110 174947 92747 18h 54m 00.09s −21° 21′ 35.3″ 5.68 −2.95 1734 G8/K0II
63 Sgr 63 266 189741 98633 20h 01m 58.58s −13° 38′ 14.1″ 5.69 0.80 309 A1IV
189 G. Sgr 189 183007 95823 19h 29m 23.77s −43° 26′ 41.7″ 5.70 1.91 187 Am
187 G. Sgr 187 182645 95557 19h 26m 11.03s −15° 03′ 11.7″ 5.71 −1.40 862 B7IV
21 G. Sgr 21 164402 88298 18h 01m 54.38s −22° 46′ 49.0″ 5.72 B0Iab...
184 G. Sgr 184 182477 95485 19h 25m 21.56s −13° 53′ 50.2″ 5.72 −1.01 723 K2III
12 G. Sgr 12 163652 88038 17h 58m 55.68s −36° 51′ 30.3″ 5.74 0.49 365 G8III
10 G. Sgr 10 163318 87836 17h 56m 41.82s −28° 03′ 55.3″ 5.76 2.25 164 A7III/IV
Y Sgr 57 Y 168608 89968 18h 21m 22.99s −18° 51′ 35.9″ 5.76 −2.23 1294 F8II
84 G. Sgr 84 171961 91405 18h 38m 30.72s −23° 30′ 17.4″ 5.78 0.01 465 B8III
152 G. Sgr 152 179323 94434 19h 13m 13.67s −25° 54′ 24.3″ 5.79 −3.27 2117 K2III
259 G. Sgr 259 189198 98512 20h 00m 48.32s −45° 06′ 46.6″ 5.80 0.59 359 A8III
50 G. Sgr 50 167720 89609 18h 17m 11.63s −17° 22′ 25.9″ 5.81 −1.72 1045 K2III
94 G. Sgr 94 173117 91974 18h 44m 49.60s −25° 00′ 39.1″ 5.82 −1.11 793 B8III
ρ² Sgr ρ² 45 175 181645 95188 19h 21m 50.83s −18° 18′ 29.4″ 5.84 0.63 359 K0III
HD 172051 86 172051 91438 18h 38m 53.45s −21° 03′ 05.4″ 5.85 5.28 42 G5V
296 G. Sgr 296 194215 100738 20h 25m 26.82s −28° 39′ 47.8″ 5.86 −0.24 541 G8II/III
57 Sgr 57 238 187739 97783 19h 52m 12.01s −19° 02′ 41.5″ 5.88 0.98 312 K0III
9 Sgr 9 24 164794 88469 18h 03m 52.44s −24° 21′ 38.6″ 5.89 −5.01 4939 O6Vf
V4089 Sgr 201 V4089 184035 96234 19h 34m 08.48s −40° 02′ 04.7″ 5.89 0.26 435 A5IV-III variable Algol
HD 169830 66 169830 90485 18h 27m 49.48s −29° 49′ 00.8″ 5.90 3.10 118 F8V té dos planetes (b i c)
116 G. Sgr 116 175360 92931 18h 56m 00.67s −23° 10′ 25.4″ 5.91 −1.27 891 B6III
180 G. Sgr 180 182286 95456 19h 25m 04.05s −29° 18′ 33.2″ 5.91 1.32 270 K3III
83 G. Sgr 83 171856 91347 18h 37m 54.43s −21° 23′ 51.2″ 5.93 1.01 314 A5IV
138 G. Sgr 138 177517 93763 19h 05m 41.18s −15° 39′ 37.4″ 5.93 −1.20 869 B8IIIsp...
29 G. Sgr 29 165185 88694 18h 06m 23.64s −36° 01′ 11.3″ 5.94 4.74 57 G3V
260 G. Sgr 260 189195 98461 20h 00m 15.92s −37° 42′ 06.2″ 5.95 1.02 316 G8/K0III
16 Sgr 16 44 167263 89440 18h 15m 12.97s −20° 23′ 16.7″ 5.96 B0.5Ib/II
132 G. Sgr 132 176884 93537 19h 03m 03.80s −19° 14′ 44.4″ 5.96 −2.33 1482 K0II/III
218 G. Sgr 218 185467 96760 19h 40m 07.15s −23° 25′ 44.6″ 5.97 0.45 415 K0III
25 G. Sgr 25 164870 88550 18h 04m 50.39s −35° 54′ 04.9″ 5.98 0.79 355 K2III
13 G. Sgr 13 163685 88012 17h 58m 39.05s −28° 45′ 32.7″ 5.99 −2.06 1331 B3II/III
141 G. Sgr 141 177817 93855 19h 06m 52.12s −16° 13′ 45.2″ 6.00 −1.19 893 B7V
264 G. Sgr 264 189561 98575 20h 01m 23.84s −22° 44′ 14.2″ 6.01 1.10 313 K0III
RS Sgr 47 RS 167647 89637 18h 17m 36.25s −34° 06′ 26.0″ 6.03 −1.13 881 B3/B4IV/V 47 G. Sgr
179 G. Sgr 179 182180 95408 19h 24m 30.17s −27° 51′ 57.3″ 6.03 −2.00 1315 B2Vnn
233 G. Sgr 233 187098 97515 19h 49m 11.53s −28° 47′ 19.4″ 6.04 2.75 149 F3V
V4387 Sgr 45 V4387 167356 89470 18h 15m 30.76s −18° 39′ 41.7″ 6.05 −4.35 3928 Ap Si variable α² CVn
140 G. Sgr 140 177846 93925 19h 07m 30.84s −28° 38′ 12.4″ 6.05 −1.19 916 K3III
295 G. Sgr 295 194184 100764 20h 25m 48.01s −40° 47′ 45.5″ 6.08 0.91 352 K3III
121 G. Sgr 121 175794 93134 18h 58m 21.31s −31° 02′ 09.1″ 6.09 0.46 436 K3III
163 G. Sgr 163 180928 94929 19h 19m 00.15s −15° 32′ 09.2″ 6.09 0.09 517 K4III
148 G. Sgr 148 178555 94144 19h 09m 48.13s −19° 48′ 12.4″ 6.11 0.71 392 K1III
197 G. Sgr 197 183545 95965 19h 30m 54.04s −21° 18′ 43.9″ 6.11 −1.78 1235 A2V
232 G. Sgr 232 186984 97423 19h 48m 03.01s −13° 42′ 12.8″ 6.11 2.13 204 A6:IIIm...
258 G. Sgr 258 189140 98485 20h 00m 26.47s −43° 02′ 36.0″ 6.11 −1.53 1101 M0III
108 G. Sgr 108 174631 92643 18h 52m 37.05s −29° 22′ 46.4″ 6.12 0.22 493 K1III
38 G. Sgr 38 166197 89086 18h 10m 55.35s −33° 48′ 00.2″ 6.13 B2II/III
178 G. Sgr 178 181925 95396 19h 24m 21.45s −43° 43′ 19.4″ 6.13 −0.12 579 M1/M2III
V4333 Sgr 208 V4333 184705 96440 19h 36m 26.06s −18° 51′ 10.4″ 6.13 1.80 240 F0V variable δ Sct
62 G. Sgr 62 169236 90290 18h 25m 21.70s −35° 59′ 31.3″ 6.14 0.39 461 K0III
123 G. Sgr 123 175892 93140 18h 58m 24.83s −22° 31′ 46.3″ 6.14 1.67 255 A1V
224 G. Sgr 224 186042 97067 19h 43m 37.62s −37° 32′ 19.4″ 6.14 −0.95 853 B8IV/V
58 G. Sgr 58 168646 90012 18h 22m 00.13s −28° 25′ 47.8″ 6.15 0.33 475 A3III
3 G. Sgr 3 161664 87099 17h 47m 45.60s −22° 28′ 40.0″ 6.18 −2.54 1811 G3/G5Ib
63 Oph (63) 8 162978 87706 17h 54m 54.04s −24° 53′ 13.5″ 6.18 O7/O8III
49 G. Sgr 49 167666 89622 18h 17m 24.08s −28° 39′ 07.3″ 6.18 0.75 397 A5V
70 Sgr 56 V4028 168574 89980 18h 21m 31.36s −24° 54′ 55.0″ 6.19 −1.57 1164 M3III V4028 Sgr
71 G. Sgr 71 169990 90494 18h 27m 56.48s −17° 48′ 01.3″ 6.19 −0.01 567 B8III/IV
280 G. Sgr 280 191584 99570 20h 12m 23.86s −42° 46′ 47.3″ 6.20 1.08 344 K2III
16 G. Sgr 16 164028 88125 18h 00m 00.08s −20° 20′ 22.2″ 6.22 −0.88 858 K0III
HD 165516 30 165516 88760 18h 07m 11.35s −21° 26′ 38.2″ 6.22 −4.35 4234 O+...
26 Sgr 26 88 172546 91689 18h 41m 51.61s −23° 50′ 00.1″ 6.22 2.20 208 A3m...
V4200 Sgr 242 V4200 188088 97944 19h 54m 17.82s −23° 56′ 24.3″ 6.22 5.46 46 K3/K4V variable BY Draconis
297 G. Sgr 297 194433 100852 20h 26m 53.14s −37° 24′ 09.5″ 6.24 3.25 129 K1IV
128 G. Sgr 128 176537 93423 19h 01m 37.74s −22° 41′ 43.3″ 6.25 −2.10 1523 K3III
V5652 Sgr 157 V5652 179949 94645 19h 15m 33.15s −24° 10′ 44.8″ 6.25 4.09 88 F8V té un planeta (b)
V4199 Sgr 173 V4199 181558 95159 19h 21m 37.11s −19° 14′ 03.9″ 6.25 −0.34 679 B5III
6 Sgr 6 18 164358 88258 18h 01m 23.12s −17° 09′ 24.7″ 6.27 −2.50 1852 K2III
206 G. Sgr 206 184574 96365 19h 35m 33.46s −12° 15′ 11.0″ 6.27 1.14 346 K0III
254 G. Sgr 254 188981 98351 19h 58m 56.37s −30° 32′ 17.7″ 6.27 2.18 214 K1III
69 G. Sgr 69 169938 90510 18h 28m 06.17s −26° 45′ 25.8″ 6.28 1.69 269 A3/A4V
109 G. Sgr 109 174630 92635 18h 52m 28.32s −26° 39′ 02.2″ 6.28 0.91 386 G8/K0III
V4198 Sgr 142 177863 93887 19h 07m 08.33s −18° 44′ 17.3″ 6.28 −0.45 724 B8V
150 G. Sgr 150 178840 94272 19h 11m 18.80s −29° 30′ 08.1″ 6.28 0.34 502 B8/B9V
30 Sgr 30 105 174309 92480 18h 50m 50.50s −22° 09′ 43.6″ 6.29 1.91 245 F2IV
17 G. Sgr 17 164245 88294 18h 01m 48.30s −36° 22′ 40.1″ 6.30 −0.42 721 B7/B8II/III
64 G. Sgr 64 169398 90336 18h 25m 54.61s −33° 56′ 44.5″ 6.30 −1.05 962 B7III
143 G. Sgr 143 178075 93993 19h 08m 14.56s −24° 39′ 26.5″ 6.30 −0.27 672 B9.5V
282 G. Sgr 282 192433 99878 20h 15m 50.59s −30° 00′ 19.1″ 6.30 −1.43 1148 K4III
V4434 Sgr 283 V4434 192472 99920 20h 16m 23.61s −36° 27′ 12.7″ 6.30 −0.78 851 M4III
V3894 Sgr 4 V3894 161756 87163 17h 48m 27.84s −26° 58′ 29.8″ 6.31 −1.40 1136 B3Vn
68 G. Sgr 68 169851 90478 18h 27m 43.76s −26° 38′ 05.1″ 6.31 1.87 252 A7V
90 G. Sgr 90 172875 91901 18h 44m 07.93s −36° 43′ 05.6″ 6.31 1.11 357 K0III
129 G. Sgr 129 176593 93418 19h 01m 33.52s −15° 16′ 57.4″ 6.31 0.14 559 K0III
263 G. Sgr 263 189388 98579 20h 01m 26.76s −40° 48′ 51.3″ 6.31 1.64 280 A2/A3V
V3879 Sgr 89 V3879 172816 91781 18h 42m 55.11s −19° 17′ 02.9″ 6.32 −1.55 1221 M4III
39 G. Sgr 39 166393 89114 18h 11m 14.79s −19° 50′ 30.8″ 6.33 1.09 365 A2V
167 G. Sgr 167 181401 95211 19h 22m 09.57s −42° 00′ 57.4″ 6.33 1.36 321 K1III
53 Sgr 53 217 185404 96729 19h 39m 49.46s −23° 25′ 39.4″ 6.33 0.85 406 A0V
V4405 Sgr 98 V4405 173425 92079 18h 46m 01.15s −19° 36′ 22.9″ 6.34 −0.43 738 M2/M3III
96 G. Sgr 96 173282 92016 18h 45m 18.64s −21° 00′ 05.6″ 6.35 2.58 185 F5/F6V
127 G. Sgr 127 176246 93315 19h 00m 24.78s −24° 56′ 32.2″ 6.35 −0.62 809 K0III
48 G. Sgr 48 167665 89620 18h 17m 23.66s −28° 17′ 19.0″ 6.36 4.00 97 F8V
80 G. Sgr 80 171416 91172 18h 35m 59.64s −29° 41′ 56.7″ 6.36 −1.20 1058 K1III
125 G. Sgr 125 176123 93234 18h 59m 26.78s −18° 33′ 59.0″ 6.37 −0.66 830 G5/G6II
133 G. Sgr 133 176903 93543 19h 03m 06.99s −19° 06′ 10.9″ 6.37 1.82 265 F5V
36 G. Sgr 36 165978 89010 18h 09m 59.96s −32° 43′ 09.4″ 6.39 1.15 365 K0III
151 G. Sgr 151 179201 94372 19h 12m 28.02s −21° 39′ 30.0″ 6.39 0.66 457 K0III
34 G. Sgr 34 165784 88876 18h 08m 38.59s −21° 26′ 58.4″ 6.42 −3.41 3019 A2/A3Iab
269 G. Sgr 269 190009 98785 20h 03m 44.33s −22° 35′ 44.3″ 6.44 2.64 188 F7V
115 G. Sgr 115 175390 92972 18h 56m 27.23s −31° 41′ 20.4″ 6.45 −0.30 731 K2III
103 G. Sgr 103 173928 92301 18h 48m 45.41s −18° 36′ 04.2″ 6.46 −0.48 795 A1V + K1III
290 G. Sgr 290 193302 100332 20h 20m 51.87s −35° 40′ 25.4″ 6.46 0.79 444 K3III
234 G. Sgr 234 187150 97484 19h 48m 50.17s −12° 19′ 09.7″ 6.47 −2.04 1638 K5III
V505 Sgr 240 V505 187949 97849 19h 53m 06.39s −14° 36′ 11.1″ 6.47 1.14 380 A1V
244 G. Sgr 244 188158 98012 19h 55m 05.11s −33° 02′ 46.5″ 6.47 −1.46 1259 K2/K3III
9 G. Sgr 9 163245 87782 17h 55m 54.96s −18° 48′ 07.6″ 6.48 1.25 363 A1V
166 G. Sgr 166 181321 95149 19h 21m 29.70s −34° 58′ 59.6″ 6.48 4.88 68 G1/G2V
196 G. Sgr 196 183577 96095 19h 32m 14.11s −44° 32′ 47.3″ 6.48 3.37 137 F6V
V4190 Sgr 79 V4190 171369 91132 18h 35m 21.31s −20° 50′ 25.6″ 6.49 1.64 304 F0IV/V variable δ Sct
25 Sgr 25 171237 91066 18h 34m 32.76s −24° 13′ 20.6″ 6.53 −3.45 3228 F2II
65 Sgr 65 274 190454 98953 20h 05m 26.33s −12° 39′ 54.2″ 6.53 1.07 402 A0V
RY Sgr 156 RY 180093 94730 19h 16m 32.76s −33° 31′ 20.3″ 6.58 −5.64 9056 Cp 156 G. Sgr
17 Sgr 17 167570 89567 18h 16m 35.37s −20° 32′ 40.1″ 6.89 0.55 605 A7:
HD 187085 187085 97546 19h 49m 33.97s −37° 46′ 50.0″ 7.22 3.95 147 G0V té un planeta (b)
χ² Sgr χ² 48 182391 95486 19h 25m 22.34s −24° 24′ 43.5″ 7.27 −0.53 1185 B7IV
HD 181342 181342 95124 19h 21m 04.23s −23° 37′ 10.5″ 7.55 2.24 377 K0III té un planeta (b)
HD 180902 180902 94951 19h 19m 17.71s −23° 33′ 29.359″ 7.78 2.48 374 K0III/IV té un planeta (b)
HD 190647 190647 99115 20h 07m 19.67s −35° 32′ 19.1″ 7.78 4.11 177 G5V té un planeta (b)
HD 181720 181720 95262 19h 22m 52.99s −32° 55′ 08.6″ 7.86 4.12 182 G1V té un planeta (b)
HD 171238 171238 91085 18h 34m 43.67s −28° 04′ 20.3″ 8.66 5.44 144 K0V té un planeta (b)
HD 164604 164604 88414 18h 03m 06.93s −28° 33′ 38.3″ 10.04 7.14 124 K2V té un planeta (b)
Ross 154 92403 18h 49m 49.36s −23° 50′ 10.4″ 10.44 13.08 9.68 M3.5V V1216 Sgr; 7ª estrella més propera; estrella fulgurant
WASP-67 19h 42m 59.0s −19° 56′ 58″ 12.5 734 K0V un planeta en trànsit (b)
OGLE-TR-10 17h 51m 28.25s −29° 52′ 34.9″ 14.93 5000 G or K té un planeta en trànsit (b)
OGLE-TR-56 17h 56m 35.31s −29° 32′ 21.2″ 16.56 5000 G té un planeta (b)
17h 58m 53.92s −29° 11′ 20.6″ 18.80 ~6500 té un planeta (SWEEPS-04)
OGLE-2005-BLG-169L 18h 06m 05s −30° 43′ 57″ 19.4 8800 M? té un planeta (b)
OGLE-2003-BLG-235 18h 05m 16s −28° 53′ 42″ 19.7 17000 K té un planeta (b)
17h 59m 02.67s −29° 11′ 53.5″ 19.83 ~6500 té un planeta (SWEEPS-11)
MOA-2007-BLG-400L 18h 09m 42s −29° 13′ 27″ 20000 M3V? té un planeta (b)
17h 59m 02.00s −29° 13′ 23.7″ 26.23 ~6500 possiblement té un planeta (SWEEPS-10)
MOA-2007-BLG-192L 18h 08m 04s −27° 09′ 00″ té un planeta (b)
Estel pistola 17h 46m 15.3s −28° 50′ 04″ 25000 LBV estel hipergegant; forma part del cúmul estel·lar Quintuplet
WR 102ea 17h 46m 15.13s −28° 49′ 37.0″ 26000 Wolf–Rayet; forma part del cúmul estel·lar Quintuplet
S2 17h 45m 40.04s −29° 00′ 28″ n/a 7940 orbita al voltant del forat negre massiu Sgr A*
KW Sgr KW 17h 52m 00.7s −28° 01′ 20.6″ 9000-
M1.5 Iab estel hipergegant; és una de les estrelles més grans. B magnitude = 11.

Vegeu també



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