Judici del segle és una frase que es fa servir per a descriure certs casos judicials ben coneguts especialment dins el Segle XX. Tal com va escriure l'advocat F. Lee Bailey al The Washington Post el 1999:
- Anomenar els casos judicials el judici del segle ("the trial of the century") és una hipèrbole tradicional als Estats Units del mateix estil que en el circ dir l'espectacle més gran del món ("The Greatest Show on Earth.") però que en realitat no significa res."[1]
El primer judici a ser anomenat del Segle va ser el 1907 quan Harry K. Thaw va ser jutjat per l'assassinat de Stanford White.[1]
Llista de judicis del segle feta per especialistes en lleis
- ↑ 1,0 1,1 "(The Last) Trial of the Century!" by Peter Carlson via The Washington Post, January 4, 1999; Page C01
- ↑ «Trial of the century». Crime Library. Arxivat de l'original el 2008-07-07. [Consulta: 13 juny 2008]. «Even though the twentieth century had only begun, newspapers dubbed Henry K. Thaw’s murder trial 'The Trial of the Century.'»
- ↑ Davis, John. Sacco and Vanzetti: Rebel Lives, 2004, p. 1. ISBN 1-876175-85-0. «Within a year it was going to become the 'trial of the century.'»
- ↑ DOUGLAS O. LINDER. "THE LEOPOLD AND LOEB TRIAL: A BRIEF ACCOUNT" Arxivat 2007-03-15 a Wayback Machine., Law Faculty, University of Missouri-Kansas City, 1997. "..the Leopold and Loeb trial has the elements to justify its billing as the first "trial of the century."
- ↑ 5,0 5,1 Law professor Doug Linder's discussion on which trial was "the trial of the century" Arxivat 2010-03-08 a Wayback Machine., January 28, 1999
- ↑ 1934 Gloria Vanderbilt Custody Trial: 1934 'trial of the century' by Bernard Ryan, Jr.
- ↑ The Trial of Richard "Bruno" Hauptmann: An Account Arxivat 2006-02-07 a Wayback Machine. by Douglas Linder. "The "trial of the century" (or at least one of them) was underway."
- ↑ Kanon, Joseph «The Real Trial of the Century». The New York Times, 09-06-2002 [Consulta: 13 juny 2008].
- ↑ 9,0 9,1 9,2 9,3 ; Gregory S. McNeal«Saddam on Trial: Understanding and Debating the Iraqi High Tribunal 229». Case Western Reserve University, 2006. [Consulta: 13 novembre 2012].
- ↑ «There’s More to the Ethel Rosenberg Story» (en anglès), 09-06-2021. [Consulta: 12 gener 2024].
- ↑ «http://showbizandstyle.inquirer.net/sim/sim/view/20081109-171119/The-Vizconde-Case». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-09-26. [Consulta: 24 setembre 2013].
- ↑ Archives, L. A. Times. «Dahmer Pleads Guilty but Insane in Serial Slayings» (en anglès americà), 14-01-1992. [Consulta: 12 gener 2024].
- ↑ «WashingtonPost.com: Oklahoma City Bombing Trial Report». [Consulta: 12 gener 2024].
- ↑ [enllaç sense format] http://english.people.com.cn/200510/19/eng20051019_215269.html
- ↑ [enllaç sense format] http://www.today.com/id/6877844/ns/today-entertainment/t/oj-case-will-pale-comparison-jackson-trial/
- ↑ «'Ignore Casey Anthony," urges her former prosecutor». MSNBC. Arxivat de l'original el 2011-11-18. [Consulta: 15 novembre 2011]. «Jeff Ashton said his wish is for the public to turn a blind eye to the woman front in center in what was called “The Trial of the Century."»
- ↑ Hilary Whiteman «Bo Xilai trial analysis: How and why Chinese politician veered off script». CNN, 23-08-2013 [Consulta: 23 agost 2013].
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