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Приносите му в икономиката са свързани главно с вземане на решения на мениджърско (управленско) ниво. Той разглежда решението като йерархия от различни степени. От тези му изследвания става ясно, че е невъзможно решенията да се вземат с пълна достоверност. За тази своя теория получава Нобелова награда за икономика през 1978.
1947, Administrative Behavior: A Study of Decision-Making Processes in Administrative Organizations
– 4th ed. in 1997, The Free Press
1956, „Reply: Surrogates for Uncertain Decision Problems“.
– Reprinted in 1982, In: H.A. Simon, Models of Bounded Rationality, Volume 1, Economic Analysis and Public Policy, Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, 235 – 44
1957. Models of Man. John Wiley. Presents mathematical models of human behaviour.
1958, (with James G. March and the collaboration of Harold Guetzkow). Organizations. New York: Wiley.
1967, „Motivational and emotional controls of cognition“, Psychological Review, vol. 74:29 – 39, reprinted in Models of Thought Vol 1.
1969, The Sciences of the Artificial. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass, 1st edition
1972, (with Allen Newell). Human Problem Solving.
1972, „Theories of Bounded Rationality“. In: C.B. McGuire and ROY Radner teds. 1, Decision and Organization, North-Holland Publishing Company, 161 – 76
1977, Models of Discovery: and other topics in the methods of science. Dordrecht, Holland: Reidel.
1979, Models of Thought, Vols. 1 and 2. Yale University Press. His papers on human information-processing and problem-solving.
1982, Models of Bounded Rationality, Vols. 1 and 2. MIT Press. His papers on economics.
1983, Reason in Human Affairs, Stanford University Press. A readable 115pp. book on human decision-making and information processing, based on lectures he gave at Stanford in 1982. A popular presentation of his technical work.
1991, Models of My Life. Basic Books, Sloan Foundation Series. His autobiography.
1996, The Sciences of the Artificial, 3rd ed. MIT Press.
1987, (with P. Langley, G. Bradshaw, and J. Zytkow). Scientific Discovery: computational explorations of the creative processes. MIT Press.
1997, An Empirically Based Microeconomics. Cambridge University Press. A compact and readable summary of his criticisms of conventional „axiomatic“ microeconomics, based on a lecture series.
1997, Models of Bounded Rationality, Vol. 3. MIT Press.
Courtois, P.J., 1977, Decomposability: queueing and computer system applications. New York: Academic Press.