Сава Манов

Сава Манов
български физик

7 юни 1943 г.(1943-06-07)
27 май 2005 г. (на 61 г.)

Националност България
Научна дейност
Работил вСофийски университет, Българска академия на науките

Сава Славчев Манов е български физик и преподавател по физика.


Сава Манов е роден на 7 юни 1943 г. в Плевен. Завършва Първо политехническо училище в Плевен (1961) и физика в Университета „Фридрих Шилер“ в Йена, ГДР (1968). Между 1970 и 1973 г. е докторант в Университета „Фридрих Шилер“, а през 1973 г. под ръководството на проф. Шмутцер защитава успешно там дисертация за научната степен „доктор“. От 1969 г. Сава Манов е физик във Физическия институт с АНЕБ на БАН, а след това научен сътрудник (1974-1980) и старши научен сътрудник (1980-1985) в Института за ядрени изследвания и ядрена енергия (ИЯИЯЕ) при БАН. През 2000 г. Сава Манов защитава дисертацията си за „доктор на физическите науки“ в ИЯИЯЕ.

Отговорник за научното планиране на ИЯИЯЕ при БАН (1981-1984) и научен секретар на Института (1984, 2001).

Хоноруван преподавател във Факултета по физика (1979-1980, 1989, 1991-1993) и в Математическия факултет (1979-1981) на Софийския университет.

Сава Манов е един от хората, дали много за организацията на работата в ИЯИЯЕ. Още от 1984 г. той е натоварен с научното планиране в института, дълги години е бил технически помощник към Научния съвет на Института. От 1999 г. той е член на Научния съвет, от 2000 г. е Научен секретар на ИЯИЯЕ, а от 2004 г. е заместник-директор по научната дейност на ИЯИЯЕ. Той е дългогодишен активен член на Съюза на физиците и на Съюза на научните работници в България. Участвал е активно и в организирането на редица международни школи и конференции по теоретична физика.

Сава Манов съчетава изследователската си дейност и с педагогическа, като многократно е чел курсове лекции за студенти по теоретична физика. Колегите му го познават като високо ерудиран и отзивчив човек, винаги готов да помогне в трудни моменти, изключително скромен и с високи изисквания преди всичко към себе си.

Умира на 27 май 2005 в София.

Научна тематика

Теоретична физика на гравитацията
  • Гравитационни теории
  • Детектори на гравитационни вълни
Диференциална геометрия над многообразия
  • Кинематика на векторни полета
  • Уравнения на девиацията
  • Лагранжева теория на тензорни полета над пространства с афинна свързаност и метрика


Научното наследство на Сава Манов е в областта на теорията на гравитацията, общата теория на относителността и диференциално-геометричните методи в теоретичната гравитационна физика. Той е автор на три самостоятелни монографии и на повече от 110 научни публикации, повечето от които са самостоятелни. От научните му постижения ще отбележим обобщеното тъждество на девиацията, изследването на нови типове диференцируеми многообразия, както и приложенията на тези резултати за изследванията на механиката на непрекъснатите среди.


Научни публикации

  1. Manoff S., Ueberlagerung der Schwarzschildschen Metriken von zwei Teilchen mit der gleich-maessig beschleunigten Metrik. Wiss. Zeitschrift der Friedrich- Schiller Univ. Jena, Math.-Nat. Reihe, 21 Jg. (1972), Heft 1, 55-61
  2. Manoff S., Untersuchung der Leistungsfaehigkeit der verschiedenen Methoden bei der Problematik der Energie-Impuls-Erhaltung in der Einsteinschen Gravitationstheorie. Dissertation (PHD Thesis). Friedrich-Schiller Universitaet Jena. Jena 1973, 1-108, (unpubl.)
  3. Manoff S., Nedjalkov I., Popov J., On the motion of a test body in an external gravitational field. I. The deviation equation in the Schwarzschild's metric for one observer moving with a fixed point of the test body. Annuaire d. Ecol. Sup. Phys. Techn., 12 (1975) 1.2., 95-102
  4. Manoff S., About the motion of two test particles in an external gravitational field. Proc. of the All-union Conference "Recent theoretical and experimental problems of the general relativity and gravitation". Minsk 1976, 123-126 ((ru))
  5. Manoff S., About the Motion of Test Particles in an External Gravitational Field. Exp. Technik d. Physik 24 (1976) 5, 425-431 (in German).
  6. Manoff S., Integrale Erhaltungssätze fur isolierte Systeme nach der Methode der bevorzugten Vektorfelder in der Allgemeinen Relativitaetstheorie und die äußere Kerr-Metrik. Acta Physica Austriaca, 48 (1977), 41-50.
  7. Manoff S., Kaleva St., On the Differential Conservation Laws in Metric, Tetrad and Bimetric Formulations of the General Relativity. Bulg. J. Phys. 4 (1977) 3, 223-235 ((ru))
  8. Manoff S., Applications of Lie derivatives to deviation equations in Riemannian spaces. 8th Intern. Conf. on General Relativity and Gravitation. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, (1977), 241.
  9. Manoff S., Nedjalkov I., Nikolov O., On an inverse problem of the relativistic dynamics of a material point in post-Newtonian approximation. Comptes rendus de l'Academie bulg. d. Sciences, 31 (1978) 4, 405-408.
  10. Manoff S., Nedjalkov I., Nikolov O., On an inverse problem of the relativistic dynamics of a material point in post-Newtonian approximation. Ann. d. Ecol. Sup. Phys. Techn., (1977) 1.2., 69-78.
  11. Manoff S., Nedjalkov I., Nikolov O., On an inverse problem of the relativistic dynamics of a material point in post-Newtonian approximation. IV Natl. Conf. J. Phys., Sofia 1978, 119-120
  12. Manoff S., Deviation equations in Riemannian spaces. IV. Natl. Conf.J.Phys., Sofia 1978, 25-26
  13. Manoff S., The Deviation Equations and Lie Derivatives in Riemannian Spaces. Comm. JINR P2-12026, Dubna, 1978, 1-23 ((ru))
  14. Manoff S., Lie Derivatives and Deviation Equations in Riemannian Spaces. Gen. Rel. and Grav., 11 (1979), 189-204.
  15. Manoff S., Equations for the gravitational field and local conserved quantities in the general theory of relativity. Preprint IC/79/68, ICTP – Italy 1979, 1-40.
  16. Manoff S., Problems of the gravitational energy and momentum in the general relativity. In "Physics and energy". Bulg. Acad. Sci., Sofia 1980, 491-499
  17. Manoff S., Gravitational equations in Riemannian spaces with non-zero energy-momentum tensor of the gravitational field. Robertson-Walker's type solution for perfect fluid. Abstr. Contr. Papers. 9th Intern. Conf. Gen. Rel. and Grav. 14 – 19.07.1980. FSU Jena, DDR, Vol. 2, 495-496.
  18. Manoff S., The general theory of relativity and the energy -momentum problems in the theory of gravitation. In "Einstein and his contribution to the science". Nauka i iskustwo, Sofia 1981, 52-75
  19. Manoff S., On a hypothesis of a non-standard relation between the inertial and gravitational passive and active masses. 5th Sov. Grav. Conf., MGU, Moscow 1981, 29 ((ru))
  20. Iliev B., Manoff S., Deviation equations in U -spaces. 5th Sov. Grav. Conf., MGU, Moscow 1981, 122 ((ru))
  21. Manoff S., Local conserved quantities and equations for the gravitational field in the general theory of relativity. Proc. Second Marcel Grossman Meeting on (the Recent Developments of) General Relativity. North-Holland Publ. Co., 1982, 641-646.
  22. Manoff S., Kolev G., Deviation equations of geodesics in Riemannian spaces with Robertson-Walker metric. Proc. of VNVU "Vasil Levski", 12 (1982), 122-130
  23. Manoff S., Equations with non-zero energy-momentum tensor of the gravitational field. 1th Natl. Congress Phys. Bulg. 28.09.-01.10.1983. Abstr. Contr. Papers. Sofia 1983, 14
  24. Manoff S., Gravitational equations in Riemannian spaces with non-zero energy-momentum tensor of the gravitational field. Equations of the electro-magnetic field. 10th Intern. Conf. on General Relativity and Gravitation – Padova 4-9. July 1983. Contr. Papers. Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche – Roma, 1983, Vol.1, 567
  25. Iliev B., Manoff S., Deviation equations in spaces with affine connection. Comm. JINR P2-83-897. Dubna 1983, 1-14 ((ru))
  26. Manoff S., Deviation operator in spaces with affine connection. 6th Sov. Grav. Conf., Moscow 1984, UDN, 231-232 (in Russian)
  27. Manoff S., Invariant projections of the Riemann tensor and the Ricci tensor on a non-isotropic vector field in Riemannian spaces and the deviation equations. 6th Sov. Grav. Conf., Moscow 1984, UDN, 229-230 ((ru))
  28. Manoff S., Relative acceleration, shear, rotation and expansion acceleration in (pseudo) Riemannian spaces with and without torsion. In "Gravitational waves". JINR P2-85-667, Dubna 1985, 157-168 ((ru))
  29. Manoff S., Deviation operator and its applications in gravitational theories. 11th Intern. Conf. on General Relativity and Gravitation – Stockholm 6- 12 юли 1986. Contr. Papers. Stockholm 1986.
  30. Manoff S., Covariant, relative and Fermi-Walker transport in Un -spaces. Deviation equations in the case of covariant and Fermi-Walker transport. In "Theoretical and High Energy Physics". In Honour of the 70th Anniversary of Acad. Christo Christov. BAN, Sofia 1988, 137-144
  31. Manoff S., On the energy-momentum tensor for theories in (pseudo) Riemannian spaces with torsion. Comm. JINR E2-87-679, Dubna 1987, 1-16.
  32. Manoff S., Relativistic kinematics of the relative motion. In "Proc. of the Workshop on development and building a generator and detector for gravitational waves". JINR D4-89-221, Dubna 1989, 42-54.
  33. Manoff S., On the notion mass density in classical field theories. 5th Intern. Symposium "Philosophy, Physics, Cosmos". Kardjali 09.-12.05.1989. Contr. Papers. BAS, Sofia 1989, 89-92.
  34. Manoff S., Shear, rotation and expansion acceleration in General Relativity. 12th Intern. Conf. on General Relativity and Gravitation. Colorado of Boulder, USA, 1989. Univ. Colorado, Colorado 1989, Vol 1., (A1:48), 95
  35. Manoff S., On the symmetric energy-momentum tensor for theories in spaces with affine connection and metric. 12th Intern. Conf. on General Relativity and Gravitation. Colorado of Boulder, USA, 1989. Univ. Colorado, Colorado 1989, Vol 1., (A3:35), 178
  36. Manoff S., On the notion energy-momentum tensor for field theories in spaces with affine connection and metric. 2. Intern. Congress "Cosmos and Phylosophy" 15.-18.05.1990. Kardjali. BAS, Sofia 1990, 107-110.
  37. Manoff S., Invariant projections of energy-momentum tensors for field theories in spaces with affine connection and metric. J. Math. Phys. 32 (1991) 3, 728-734 (Current Physics Microform No. 9103 A 0160) (Physics Briefs (Physikalische Berichte) 13 (1991) 8, 3081, No.33309)
  38. Manoff S., On the energy-momentum tensors for field theories in spaces with affine connection and metric. Generalized Bianchi Identities and Different Energy-Momentum Tensors. Comm. JINR Dubna, E2-91-77, Dubna 1991, 1-16.
  39. Manoff S., On the energy-momentum tensors for field theories in spaces with affine connection and metric.Conditions for Existence of Energy-Momentum Tensors. Comm. JINR Dubna, E2-91-78, Dubna 1991, 1-15.
  40. Manoff S., On the notion of angular momentum for field theories in spaces with affine connection and metric. In "Gravitational energy and gravitational waves". JINR Dubna 1991, P2-91-164, 79-89 (in russ.)
  41. Manoff S., On the energy-momentum tensors for field theories in spaces with affine connection and metric. Proc. 9th Italian Conf. on General Relativity and Gravitational Physics, Capri (Napoli), 25.-28.09.1990. Eds. R. Cianci, R. de Ritis, M. Francaviglia, G. Marmo, C. Rubano, and P. Scudellaro. World Scientific Publ. Co., Singapore 1991, 476-480.
  42. Manoff S., Deviation equations of Synge and Schild in spaces with affine connection and metric, and equations for gravitational wave detectors. Comm. JINR Dubna, E2-92-19, Dubna 1992, 1-12.
  43. Manoff S., Kinematics of the relative motion in the modern gravitational theories. 13th Intern. Conf. on General Relativity and Gravitation, Huerta Grande, Cordoba, Argentina, 28.06.-04.07.1992. Contr. Papers.
  44. Manoff S., Wesson's solution of Einstein's field equations with p = m (as a special case of Gutman's and Bespal'ko's solution. 13th Intern. Conf. on General Relativity and Gravitation, Huerta Grande, Cordoba, Argentina, 28.06.-04.07.1992. Contr. Papers.
  45. Manoff S., Dynamics of the covariant metric tensor field in spaces over manifolds with affine connection and metric. Covariant Euler-Lagrange equations and energy-momentum tensors. In "Gravitational energy and gravitational waves". JINR Dubna P2- 92-559, Dubna 1993, 51-68 ((ru))
  46. Manoff S., Geodesic deviation equation and relative accelerations induced by the curvature. 14th Intern. Conf. on General Relativity and Gravitation. Florence, Italy, August 6-12, 1995. Contributed Papers. Workshop A1.
  47. Manoff S., Relative accelerations in spaces with affine connections and metric. 14th Intern. Conf. on General Relativity and Gravitation. Florence, Italy, August 6-12, 1995. Contributed Papers. Workshop A4
  48. Manoff S., Kinematics of vector fields. In "Complex Structures and Vector Fields". World Sci. Publ., Singapore, 1995, 61-113.
  49. Manoff S., Geodesic and autoparallel equations over differentiable manifolds. Intern. J. Modern Phys. A 11 (1996) 21, 3849-3874.
  50. Manoff S., Fermi-Walker transports over spaces with affine connections and metrics. JINR Rapid Communications 1[81] (1997), 5-12.
  51. Manoff S., Lagrangian formalism for tensor fields. In "Topics in Complex Analysis, Differential Geometry and Mathematical Physics". World Sci. Publ., Singapore, 1997, 177-218.
  52. Manoff S., Einstein's theory of gravitation as a Lagrangian theory for tensor fields. Intern. J. Modern Phys. A 13 (1998) 12, 1941-1967.
  53. Manoff S., Fermi Derivative and Fermi-Walker transports over (Ln,g) spaces. Class. and Quantum Grav. 15 (1998), 465-477.
  54. Manoff S., Fermi Derivative and Fermi-Walker transports over (Ln'-,g) spaces. Intern. J. Modern Phys. A 13 (1998) 25, 4289-4307.
  55. Manoff S., Dimitrov B., (Ln', g)-spaces. Special tensor fields. Comm. JINR Dubna, E5-98-182, Dubna 1998, 1-22.
  56. Manoff S., Dimitrov B., (Ln', g)-spaces. Ordinary and tensor differentials. Comm. JINR Dubna, E5-98-183, Dubna 1998, 1-27.
  57. Manoff S., Kolarov A., Dimitrov B., (Ln', g)-spaces. General relativity over V'4 – spaces. Comm. JINR Dubna, E5-98-184, Dubna 1998, 1-22.
  58. Manoff S., Dimitrov B., (Ln' g)-spaces. Variation operator. Preprint. JINR Dubna 1998.
  59. Manoff S., Lagrangian theory of tensor fields over spaces with contravariant and covariant affine connections and metrics and its application to Einstein's theory of gravitation in Vn'-spaces. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 55 (1999) 1, 51-125.
  60. Manoff S., Spaces with contravariant and covariant affine connections and metrics. Physics of elementary particles and atomic nucleus (Particles and Nuclei) (Russ. Ed. Ý×Àß) 30 (1999) 5, 1211-1269 [Engl. Ed. 30 (1999) 5, 527-549]
  61. Manoff S., Lazov R., Invariant projections and covariant divergency of the energy-momentum tensors. In "Aspects of Complex Analysis, Differential Geometry and Mathematical Physics". World Sci. Publ., Singapore, 1999, pp. 289-314.
  62. Manoff S., Conformal derivative and conformal transports over (Ln',g)-spaces. Intern. J. Modern Phys. A 15 (2000) 5, 679-695
  63. Manoff S., Mechanics of tensor fields over spaces with contravariant and covariant affine connections and metrics. Dissertation (Dr Sc Thesis). Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, 1998, 1-673 (unpubl.)
  64. Manoff S., Auto-parallel equation as Euler-Lagrange's equation in spaces with affine connections and metrics. Gen. Rel. and Grav. 32 (2000) 8, 1559 – 1582. E-print gr-qc / 0010 048
  65. Manoff S., Conformal derivative and conformal transports over (Ln~,g)-spaces. Intern. J. Mod. Phys. A 15 (2000) 5, 679-695. E-print gr-qc / 00 11 007
  66. Manoff S., Conformal derivative and conformal transports over (Ln,g)-spaces. Intern. J. Theor. Phys., Nonlinear Optics, and Group Theory. E-print gr-qc / 99 07 095
  67. Manoff S., Deviation equations of Synge and Schild over (Ln~,g)-spaces. Intern J. Mod. Phys. A 16 (2001) 6, 1109-1122. E-print gr-qc / 00 12 015
  68. Manoff S., Frames of reference in spaces with affine connections and metrics. Class. Quantum Grav. 18 (2001) 6, 1111-1126. E-print gr-qc / 99 08 061
  69. Manoff S., Deviation operator and deviation equations over spaces with affine connections and metrics. Journal of Geometry and Physics (2001)

Годишни доклади

  1. Manoff S., Tangent space and co-tangent space with different (not only by sign) affine connections. Annual Report 1993. Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS, Sofia 1994
  2. Manoff S., Kinematics of vector fields over (Ln',g)-spaces. Annual Report 1994. Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS, Sofia 1995
  3. Manoff S., Relative accelerations and gravitational waves detectors in (Ln,g)-spaces. Annual Report 1994. Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS, Sofia 1995
  4. Manoff S., Relative acceleration induced by the curvature in Vn--spaces. Annual Report 1994. Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS, Sofia 1995
  5. Manoff S., Project "Mechanics of tensor fields over (Ln',g)-spaces. Main ideas and subjects. Annual Report 1995. Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS, Sofia 1996, 29-30
  6. Manoff S., Mechanics of tensor fields over (Ln',g)-spaces. I. Differentiable manifolds with contravariant and covariant affine connections and metric [(Ln,g)-spaces]. Annual Report 1995. Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS, Sofia 1996, 33-32
  7. Manoff S., Mechanics of tensor fields over (Ln',g)-spaces. II. Geodesic and autoparallel equations over (Ln',g)-spaces. Annual Report 1995. Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS, Sofia 1996, 31, 34
  8. Manoff S., Mechanics of tensor fields over (Ln',g)-spaces. III. Deviation equations of Synge and Schild over (Ln',g)-spaces. Annual Report 1995. Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS, Sofia 1996, 35-36
  9. Manoff S., Mechanics of tensor fields over (Ln',g)-spaces. IV. Tensor densities (Relative tensor fields) over (Ln,g)-spaces. Form-invariant covariant differential operators for tensor densities. Annual Report 1995. Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS, Sofia 1996, 37-38
  10. Manoff S., Mechanics of tensor fields over (Ln',g)-spaces. V. Form-invariant Lie differential operators for tensor densities. Annual Report 1995. Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS, Sofia 1996, 39-40
  11. Manoff S., Mechanics of tensor fields over (Ln',g)-spaces. VI. Variational operator over (Ln',g)-spaces. Annual Report 1995. Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS, Sofia 1996, 41-42
  12. Manoff S., Mechanics of tensor fields over (Ln',g)-spaces. Lagrangian formalism for tensor fields. Lagrangian density. Annual Report 1996. Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS, Sofia 1996
  13. Manoff S., Mechanics of tensor fields over (Ln',g)-spaces. Method of Lagrangians with partial derivatives (MLPD). Method of Lagrangians with covariant derivatives (MLCD). Annual Report 1996. Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS, Sofia 1996
  14. Manoff S., Mechanics of tensor fields over (Ln',g)-spaces. Fermi derivative and Fermi-Walker transports over (Ln',g)-spaces. Annual Report 1996. Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS, Sofia 1996
  15. Manoff S., Mechanics of tensor fields over (Ln',g)-spaces. (Pseudo) Riemannian spaces with two different affine connections. Annual Report 1996. Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS, Sofia 1996
  16. Manoff S., Mechanics of tensor fields over (Ln',g)-spaces. General relativity in (Vn – spaces. Annual Report 1996. Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS, Sofia 1996
  17. Manoff S., Mechanics of tensor fields over (Ln',g)-spaces. Einstein's theory of gravitation as a Lagrangian theory for tensor fields. Annual Report 1996. Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS, Sofia 1996
  18. Manoff S., Accelerated frames of reference in spaces with affine connections and metrics. Annual Report 1999. Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS, Sofia 2000
  19. Manoff S., Covariant representation of Newton’s gravitational law in spaces with affine connections and metrics. Annual Report 1999. Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS, Sofia 2000

Публикации в електронни издания

  1. Manoff S., Lazov R., Projections and covariant derivative of the energy-momentum tensors. E-print gr-qc/ 99 07 085, pp. 1-30
  2. Manoff S., (Ln',g)-spaces. Length of a vector and angle between two vectors. E-print gr-qc/ 00 02 073, pp. 1-11
  3. Manoff S., Relative velocity and relative acceleration induced by the torsion in (Ln,g) and Um-spaces. E-print gr-qc / 00 05 027
  4. Manoff S., Dimitrov B., Weyl's spaces with shear-free and expansion-free conformal Killing vectors and the motion of a free spinless test particle. E-print gr-qc / 00 11 045
  5. Manoff S., Dimitrov B., On the existence of a gyroscope in spaces with affine connections and metrics. E-print gr-qc / 00 12 011


Сайт на ИЯИЕ-БАН: