Белодробни охлюви

Белодробни охлюви
царство:Животни (Animalia)
подцарство:Същински многоклетъчни (Eumetazoa)
подцарство:Двустранно симетрични (Bilateria)
инфрацарство:Първичноустни (Protostomia)
(без ранг):Спиралови (Spiralia)
тип:Мекотели (Mollusca)
подтип:Черупчести мекотели (Conchifera)
клас:Коремоноги (Gastropoda)
разред:Белодробни охлюви (Pulmonata)
Научно наименование
Cuvier, 1814
Белодробни охлюви в Общомедия
[ редактиране ]

Белодробни охлюви (Pulmonata) е разред сухоземни или водни видове коремоноги мекотели, които са пригодени да дишат с помощта на бели дробове. Включва представители, които сравнително рано се отделят от останалите коремоноги входа на еволюцията. Обитават основно сушата, но някои от тях вторично са преминали към воден начин на живот. Водните белодробни охлюви са свързани предимно съм сладководни или слабосолени водни басейни.


Съвременна класификация

Белодробните охлюви са около 35 хиляди вида обединени в следните семейства:

Подразред Basommatophora Keferstein (1864)

Подразред Eupulmonata Haszprunar et Huber (1990)

Инфраразред Archaeopulmonata = Acteophila Dall (1885)

Подклад Elasmognatha

Подклад Orthurethra Pilsbry (1900)[14]

Неофициална група Sigmurethra

(влизат в подклад Orthurethra Pilsbry (1900))

Инфраразред Trimusculiformes Minichev et Starobogatov (1975)

Подразред Systellommatophora Pilsbry (1948)


  1. Handb. syst. Weichtierk. 2: 484
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  3. Gen. rec. Moll.
  4. Dall, W. H. 1870. On the genus Pompholyx and its allies, with a revision of the Limnaeidae of authors. Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York
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  9. Fischer, P. 1883 – 1887. Manual de conchyliologie et de paléontologie conchyliologique
  10. Burton, D. W. 1963: A revision of the New Zealand and subantarctic Athoracophoridae. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, zoology BUGZ
  11. Burton, D. W. 1980: Anatomical studies on Australian, New Zealand, and subantarctic Athoracophoridae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata). New Zealand journal of zoology BUGZ
  12. Burton, D. W. 1981: Pallial systems in the Athoracophoridae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata). New Zealand journal of zoology BUGZ
  13. Beck, Henrik H. 1837 – 1838. Index Molluscorum praesentis ævi Musei principis augustissimi Christiani Frederici
  14. а б в Pilsbry, H. A. 1900. On the zoological position of Partula and Achatinella. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
  15. Белодробни охлюви в ITIS
  16. Белодробни охлюви в ITIS
  17. Altaba, C. R. 2007: A new genus and species of Enidae (Gastopoda: Pulmonata) from the Quaternary of the Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean). Zootaxa Abstract & excerpt
  18. Castillo, C.; Yanes, Y.; Alonso, M. R.; Ibáñez, M. 2006: Napaeus lajaensis sp. nov. (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Enidae) from a Quaternary Aeolian Deposit of Northeast Tenerife, Canary Islands. Zootaxa Abstract & excerpt
  19. Wu, M.; Zheng, W. 2009: A review of Chinese Pupinidius Moellendorff (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora: Enidae), with the description of a new species. Zootaxa Abstract & excerpt
  20. а б в г д е ж з и к л м Schileyko, A. A. 1999. Treatise on Recent terrestrial pulmonate molluscs. Ruthenica
  21. Белодробни охлюви в ITIS
  22. Zhang, Z.-Q. 2007: Nomenclatural notes on Gastrocopta fulongensis Chen, Zhang & Zhang 2002 (Mollusca: Pulmonata: Stylommatophora: Pupillidae). Zootaxa PDF
  23. Kennard, A. S. & Woodward, B.B. 1914. List of British non-marine Mollusca
  24. Wenz, W. 1915. Jahrbücher des Nassauischen Vereins für Naturkunde in Wiesbaden
  25. Morse, E. S. 1864. Observations on the terrestrial Pulmonifera of Maine, including a catalogue of all the species of terrestrial and fluviatile Mollusca known to inhabitat the state. Journal of the Portland Sociey to Natural History
  26. а б Fitzinger, L. I. 1833. Systematisches Verzeichniss der im Erzherzogthume Oesterreich vorkommenden Weichthiere, als Prodrom einer Fauna desselben. Beiträge zur Landeskunde Oesterreich’s unter der Enns
  27. а б в Pilsbry, H. A. 1895. Guide to the study of Helices. Manual of Conchology, Second Series (Pulmonata)
  28. а б Thiele, J. 1926. Mollusca = Weichtiere. In: W. Kükenthal & T. Krumbach, eds., Handbuch der Zoologie
  29. а б Connolly, M. 1915. Notes on South African Mollusca. Annals of the South African Museum
  30. Pilsbry, H. A. 1930. Anatomy and relationships of some American Helicidae and Polygyridae. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
  31. а б в Pilsbry, H. A. 1902 (1902 – 1903). Manual of Conchology, Second Series: Pulmonata
  32. а б Baker, H. B. 1955. Heterurethrous and aulacopod. The Nautilus
  33. а б в г Pilsbry, H. A. 1948. Land Mollusca of North America (north of Mexico). Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Monographs
  34. Leonard, W. P., L. Chichester, J. Baugh, & T. Wilke. 2003. Kootenaia burkei, a new genus and species of slug from northern Idaho, United States (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Arionidae). Zootaxa
  35. а б в г Wiktor, A., D.-W. Chen, & W. Ming. 2000. Stylommatophoran slugs of China (Gastropoda: Pulmonata): prodromus. Folia Malacologica
  36. Pilsbry, H. A., & E. G. Vanatta. 1898. Revision of the North American slugs: Binneya, Hemphillia, Hesperarion, Prophysaon, and Anadenulus. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
  37. Gray, J. E. 1840. A manual of the land & fresh-water shells of the British Islands, with figures of each of the kinds. By William Turton, M. D. A new edition, thoroughly revised and much enlarged
  38. а б Cockerell, T. D. A. 1891. On the geographic distribution of slugs. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London
  39. Gray, J. E. 1847. A list of genera of Recent Mollusca, their synonyma and types. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London
  40. Gray, J. E. 1855. Catalogue of Pulmonata or air-breathing Mollusca in the collection of the British Museum, Part I:
  41. Baker, H. B. 1928. Minute American Zonitidae. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
  42. а б Tryon, G. W. 1866. Monograph of the terrestrial Mollusca of the United States. American Journal of Conchology
  43. Hesse, P. 1927. Unsere Land- & Süsswasser-Mollusken
  44. а б Rafinesque, C. S. 1815. Analyse de la nature ou tableau de l’universe et des corps organisés
  45. Clark, S. A. 2009: A review of the land snail genus Meridolum (Gastropoda: Camaenidae) from central New South Wales, Australia. Molluscan research
  46. Cuezzo, M. G. 2006: On a new species of Isomeria Beck and redescription of species of Labyrinthus Beck from South America (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora: Camaenidae). Zootaxa Abstract & excerpt
  47. Stanisic, J. 2009: Crikey steveirwini gen. et sp. nov. from montane habitats in the Wet Tropics of northeastern Queensland, Australia (Gastropoda: Eupulmonata: Camaenidae). Zootaxa Abstract & excerpt
  48. Wu, S.-p.; Lin, Y.-s.; Hwang, C.-c. 2007: A new Satsuma species (Pulmonata: Camaenidae) endemic to Taiwan. Zootaxa Abstract & excerpt
  49. Ihering, H. von 1909. System und Verbreitung der Heliciden. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Könighlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellshaft in Wien
  50. Ibáñez, M.; Groh, K.; Alonso, M. R.; Castillo, C.; Yanes, Y. 2006: The subgenus Monilearia (Lyrula) Wollaston, 1878 (Gastropoda: Helicoidea: Cochlicellidae) from Lanzarote and Fuerteventura (Canary Islands), with the description of Monilearia (Lyrula) tubaeformis sp. nov. Zootaxa Abstract & excerpt
  51. Schileyko, A. A. 1972. Some aspects of study of Recent continental gastropod mollusks. Results Sci. Technol. Invertebr. Zool.
  52. Gittenberger, E. 1979. On Elona (Pulonata, Elonidae fam. nov.). Malacologia
  53. Kobelt, W. 1904. Iconographie der Land- und Süsswasser-Mollusken
  54. Alonso, M. R.; Ponte-Lira, C. E.; Castillo, C.; Yanes, Y.; Groh, K.; Ibáñez, M. 2006: A new Canariella species (Gastropoda: Helicoidea: Hygromiidae) of the new subgenus Majorata, both endemic to the Jandía Peninsula (Fuerteventura, Canary Islands). Zootaxa Abstract & excerpt
  55. Ibáñez, M.; Siverio, F.; Alonso, M. R.; Ponte-Lira, C. E. 2006: Two Canariella species (Gastropoda: Helicodea: Hygromiidae) endemic to the Northwest Tenerife (Canary Islands). Zootaxa Abstract & excerpt
  56. Nordsieck, H. 1982. Revision des Systems der Helicoidea (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora). Archiv für Molluskenkunde
  57. Zilch, A. 1960. Gastropoda Teil 2. Euthyneura. Handbuch der Paläozoologie
  58. Nordsieck, H. 1987. Revision des Systems der Helicoidea (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora). Archiv für Molluskenkunde
  59. Arrébola, J. R., C. E. Prieto, A. I. Puente & A. Ruiz. 2006. Hatumia, a new genus for Oestophora riffensis Ortiz de Zárate, 1962, Oestophora cobosi Ortiz de Zárate, 1962 and Hatumia pseudogasulli n. sp. (Pulmonata: Helicoidea: Trissexodontidae). Journal of Conchology
  60. Wagner, H. 1935. Diagnosen neuer Limaciden aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum in Wien. Zoologischer Anzeiger
  61. Wiktor, A. 2000. Agriolimacidae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) – a systematic monograph. Annales Zoologici (Warszawa)
  62. Van Goethem, J. L. 1972. Contribution à l'étude de Boettgerilla vermiformis Wiktor, 1959 (Mollusca, Pulmonata). Bull. Inst. roy. Sci. nat. Belg.
  63. Likharev, I. M., & A. Wiktor. 1980. The fauna of slugs of the USSR and adjacent countries (Gastropoda Terrestria Nuda). Fauna USSR
  64. Breure, A. S. H. 2009: New Orthalicidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) from Venezuelan Guayana: unravelling secrets from the Lost World. Zootaxa Abstract & excerpt
  65. Breure, A. S. H.; Borrero, F. J. 2008: An annotated checklist of the land snail family Orthalicidae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Orthalicoidea) in Ecuador, with notes on the distribution of the mainland species. Zootaxa Abstract & excerpt
  66. Orono, E. S. 2007: Taxonomic review of the Spixia pyriformis species complex (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Odontostominae). Zootaxa Abstract & excerpt
  67. Pizá, J.; Cazzaniga, N. J. 2003: Redescription, shell variability and geographic distribution of Plagiodontes dentatus (Wood, 1828) (Gastropoda: Orthalicidae: Odontostominae) from Uruguay and Argentina. Zootaxa Abstract & excerpt
  68. Neubert, E.; Chérel-Mora, C.; Bouchet, P. 2009: Polytypy, clines, and fragmentation: the bulimes of New Caledonia revisited (Pulmonata, Orthalicoidea, Placostylidae). In: Grandcolas, P. (ed.), Zoologia Neocaledonica 6. Biodiversity studies in New Caledonia. Mémoires du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle
  69. Hutton 1884. Revision of the land Mollusca of New Zealand. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute
  70. Thiele, J. 1931. Handbuch der systematischen Weichtierkunde
  71. Baker, H. B. 1927. Minute Mexican land snails. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
  72. Cockerell, T. D. A. 1935. African Slugs. The Nautilus
  73. Baker, H. B. 1925. The Nautilus
  74. Pilsbry, H. A. 1893. Helicidae, VI. Manual of Conchology, Second Series
  75. Spencer, H. G.; Brook, F. J.; Kennedy, M. 2006: Phylogeography of Kauri Snails and their allies from Northland, New Zealand (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Rhytididae: Paryphantinae). Molecular phylogenetics and evolution
  76. Baker, H. B. 1925. Agnathomorphous Aulacopoda. The Nautilus
  77. Oke, C. O. 2007: A new species of Streptaxidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Pulmonata) from southeastern Nigeria. African zoology
  78. а б Turton, W. 1840: A manual of the land and freshwater shells of the British Islands
  79. Mörch, O. A. L. 1864. Synopsis Molluscorum terrestrium et fluviatilium Daniae
  80. Burch, J. Q. 1945. Minutes of the Conchological Club of Southern California
  81. Dayrat, B. 2009: Review of the current knowledge of the systematics of Onchidiidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Pulmonata) with a checklist of nominal species. Zootaxa Abstract & excerpt
  82. Climo, F. M. 1980: Smeagolida, a new order of gymnomorph mollusc from New Zealand based on a new genus and species. New Zealand Journal of Zoology
  83. Haszprunar, G.; Huber, G. 1990: On the central nervous system of Smeagolidae and Rhodopidae, two families questionably allied to the Gymnomorpha (Gastropoda, Euthyneura). Journal of zoology