L.L. Ivanov et al, Antarctica: Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands (from English Strait to Morton Strait, with illustrations and ice-cover distribution), 1:100000 scale topographic map, Antarctic Place-names Commission of Bulgaria, Sofia, 2005.
Antarctic Place-names Commission of Bulgaria (История; Топонимични указания; Топографски проучвания; Антарктически карти; Справочник на българските наименования в Антарктика) ((en))
L.L. Ivanov, Livingston Island[неработеща препратка]: Tangra Mountains, Komini Peak, west slope new rock route; Lyaskovets Peak, first ascent; Zograf Peak, first ascent; Vidin Heights, Melnik Peak, Melnik Ridge, first ascent, The American Alpine Journal, 2005, 312-315. ((en))
Livingston Island, Climb Magazine, Issue 14, Kettering, UK, April 2006, 89-91 ((en))