محمد بويرى (بالانجليزى: Mohammed Bouyeri) قاتل و جهادى من مملكة نيديرلاند و المغرب.
محمد بويرى من مواليد يوم 8 مارس سنة 1978 فى امستردام.
لينكات برانيه
- ↑ The astonishing life of Johan van Gogh: Vincent's great-nephew dies aged 96 — نشر في: The Art Newspaper — إقتباس: Johan’s 47-year-old son (yet another Theo), a controversial film director, was murdered. Theo had made a film entitled Submission, which criticised the treatment of women under Islam, and this provoked protests from the Muslim community in the Netherlands. While cycling to work in Amsterdam he was shot and stabbed by Mohammed Bouyeri, a Dutch-Moroccan Muslim.
لم يتم العثور على روابط لمواقع التواصل الاجتماعي.