↑معرف أرشيفات سلسلة ماريلاند للأعلام: https://wikidata-externalid-url.toolforge.org/?p=6371&url_prefix=https://msa.maryland.gov/msa/speccol/sc3500/sc3520/&id=00198 — تاريخ الاطلاع: 19 اغسطس 2021 — إقتباس: On 10 June 1647, Margaret Brent informed the Council that "the late governor, Leonard Calvert . . . " lying upon his death bed, did by word of mouth on the ninth of this month, appoint Thomas Greene Esq. governor of the province." [AOM,3:187] Thus Leonard Calvert died on either June 9th or June 10th