Zuzana Mauréry (born 23 September 1968) is a Slovak actress working in film, television, and on stage, as well as a musical singer. A six-time nominee for national movie awards and a two-time winner of the Sun in a Net Awards, she lives in her hometown of Bratislava.[1] She is also a member of the Slovak movie and television academy.[2]
Early life and education
Mauréry comes from a family of musicians. Her father, Pavol Mauréry, was an opera soloist in the Slovak National Theatre[3][4] for many years, while her mother, Darina Markovičová,[4] was a choir soprano at the New Scene / Nová scéna theatre.[4][5] She was born as their only child, during the period of normalization, shortly after the military intervention of the Warsaw pact in Czechoslovakia.
Thanks to her parents' profession, Mauréry grew up being financially secure. In her own words: "They frequently went to the West, which meant my clothes were quite western. I was the first in my school to wear so-called zipper pants".[6] While attending a middle school for German speakers, she also took dance and piano lessons. Musicals fascinated her by their unusual form, though the singing itself did not. About her studies, Mauréry has said: "I spent my childhood locked up in my room, while my parents had their practice session – which was basically non-stop. I wanted to become a stewardess and study languages, which is why I started learning English alongside German".[3] However, her parents persuaded her to study informatics at the nearby Juraj Hronec Grammar school in Bratislava instead, which was mainly focused on mathematical physics.[7] Despite her focus on natural sciences, Mauréry successfully finished her studies in acting at the Academy of Performing Arts (VŠMU). She studied alongside such well-known actors as Roman Pomajbo, Peter Mankovecký, Dagmar Bruckmayerová, Zuzana Vačková, and Silvia Vargová.[8]
Mauréry's filmography consists of a number of films, both short and feature-length, and various television productions. She has acted in various theatrical productions as well.[8] Her first performance on a theatre stage was in 1985 at Reduta (until 1993 the theatrical studio of the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava). She performed alongside her father in the opera Iolanta by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.[9]
She has also performed in several musical plays and has made vocal contributions to recordings of other performers.
She is the co-author of the movie Jsem větší a lepší (2007), which combines animated and live-action scenes, together with Martin Duda. The film got a positive reception at various movie festivals,[10][11][12] including an international nomination from the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for the best student film of foreign origin.[13] A different short movie, Almost There (2014), was made by Nonchalant, an alias of Mauréry. It won the prize for the best ensemble cast at the 13th Annual International Film Festival 24-hour Film Race, held in Brooklyn. Almost There featured such names as Gregor Hološka, Peter Kadlečík, Michal Jánoš, Anna Rakovská, Juraj Šimko, Mária Breiner-Mačáková, and Viera Frajtová.[14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21]
Awards and recognition
Mauréry has been nominated four times for a Slovak film and television academy (SFTA) award – twice for a main role and twice for a minor one. She has also been a three-time laureate for the Igric Awards, organized by the Slovak Film Union (SFZ), the Union of Creators for Slovak Television (ÚSTT), and the Literary Fund (LF).
She was nominated for a Sun in a Net award for her role in the feature film Return of the Storks (2007), directed by Martin Repka,[22] though she didn't win.
She received the national movie award in 2014, when she was nominated by the SFTA twice at the same time. She managed to convince the expert jury with her performance in the bilingual drama Ďakujem, dobre (2012) by Mátyas Prikler.[1] At the same time, she was nominated by the Czech Movie and Television Academy (ČFTA) for the Czech Lion award, for her role in the movie Colette (2013) by Milan Cieslar.[23] She didn't win either award, but she received the Igric national creativity award for Best Female Performance.[24]
The actress earned a second Igric award for her performance in the Radio and Television of Slovakia (RTVS) series Tajné životy (2014), directed by Ján Sebechlebský.[25]
Mauréry's performance in the competitive dance show Showdance (2010) on TV JOJ[3][26] earned her the title "Queen of Dance",[27][28] accompanied by a symbolic crown.
Charity and activism
Since the end of the first decade of the 21st century, the actress has been active in the spheres of social responsibility and charity. While she focuses mostly on her home city when it comes to protecting the environment, she tends to focus mostly on children and the elderly when it comes to charity and social help.
In January 2010, Mauréry played a key role in a written appeal regarding the preservation of the local Park kultúry a oddychu to the leaders of cultural and scientific development. Other key members included ecologist Mikuláš Huba, actress Zuzana Kronerová, and the member of parliament for the Old Town city district in Bratislava, Ivan Bútora.[29][30][31] A year later, she became one of six diplomats of the environmental project of the capital, called Hanging Gardens of Bratislava.[32][33] She promoted this project in March 2011 by giving an interview to TV Bratislava.[33]
In 2009,[34] 2010,[35][36] and 2012,[37][38] she repeatedly supported the nonprofit organization Foundation of the Children of Slovakia, through their public charity Hour for kids,[36][37][38] without receiving royalties.[36][38] She took part in a similar campaign in September 2010, Konto bariéry, which was focused on helping children and disabled youths. It was founded by a nongovernmental organization, The Children's Fund of Slovakia.[39][40] Mauréry started working with the SOCIA (Foundation for the Support of Social Change) fund shortly afterwards. She worked on the marketing campaign for the calendar Age Affects Us (2011). The actress lent her likeness to the campaign Helping Ladybird, which is focused on helping elderly people.[41][42] During the Concert of All Generations, which was organized by the same group two years later, she performed together with her father.[43][44][45]
The actress has appeared in a similar capacity at various other concerts. She made an appearance at the seventh charitable concert of the Humanitarian council of Slovakia – Benificium (2008).[46][47] Two years later, she appeared at the concert Flame of Hope, taking place a day before Christmas and sponsored by the fund Headquarters of Hope.[48] In 2010, she symbolically supported the cause of homelessness by baptizing the book of Július, a former street vendor of the NotaBene magazine.[49]
Selected filmography
List of film appearances, with year, title, and role shown
^ abcSlnko v sieti [online]. Slovenská filmová a televízna akadémia, 2014, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Kapitola „2014“ – „Držitelia Slnka v sieti 2014“. Dostupné online.
^Členovia [online]. Slovenská filmová a televízna akadémia, 2014, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Kapitola „Členovia SFTA“. Dostupné online.
^ abcKupsová, Daniela. Návštěva u Zuzany Mauréry: O důležitých věcech rozhoduje náhoda [online]. Deník, 14 December 2012, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Dostupné online. (česky)
^ abcMacháčková, Monika. Rodičia známych detí. Život (Ringier Axel Springer Slovakia), 16 October 2012, čís. 42, s. 30 – 32.
^Kopcsayová, Iris. Generácia 1968. Akí sú tí, ktorí sa narodili v roku 1968? [online]. SME, 21 August 2008, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Kapitola Sme stratená generácia – Zuzana Mauréry, herečka a speváčka. Dostupné online.
^Hitka, Slavomír. Významné osobnosti medzi absolventmi GJH [online]. Gymnázium Jura Hronca, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Kapitola Umelci. Dostupné online.
^ abcLadislav Széplaki: Chart editing and text completion
^Gaja, Michal. Exkluzivně a víme mezi prvními: Zlínský pes zná své vítěze [online]. Vychytane.cz, 6 June 2008, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Kapitola „Výsledková listina“. Dostupné online. (česky)
^Tryhuková, Šárka a kol.. Ocenění B16 [online]. Sdružení pro B16 a alternativní film, MKC Brno, 2009, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Kapitola „49. ročník“, s. 53. Dostupné online. (anglicky a česky)
^FamuFest. Historie [online]. FAMU, 2007, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Kapitola „2007“ – „Vítězné filmy“/„Vítězové“. Dostupné online. (anglicky a česky)
^Studentský Oscar jde do Německa, v nominaci byl i Čech [online]. Týden, 16 May 2008, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Dostupné online. (česky)
^ ab24 Hour Film Race. Almost There [online]. FilmRacing.com, 2014, [cit. 15 July 2015]. Kapitola „Awards“. Dostupné online.
^ abKrištáľové krídlo. Laureáti Krištáľového krídla za rok 2016 [online]. KristaloveKridlo.sk, 30 January 2017, [cit. 31 January 2017]. Kapitola „Divadlo a audiovizuálne umenie“. Dostupné online.
^ abSpáčilová, Mirka; Šťástka, Tomáš. Vary vyhrálo maďarské Rodinné štěstí, uznání má i poslední Němcův film [online]. iDNES.cz, 9 July 2016, [cit. 11 July 2016]. Dostupné online. (česky)
^ abNominace na Ceny České filmové kritiky za rok 2016 [online]. FilmovaKritika.cz, 2 January 2017, [cit. 8 January 2017]. Dostupné online. (česky)
^ abNominacím na Českého lva vládnou filmy Masaryk, Anthropoid a Učitelka [PDF]. Česká filmová a televizní akademie, 18 January 2017, [cit. 24 January 2017]. Kapitola „Přehled nominací“. Dostupné online. (česky)
^ abRehák, Oliver. Producentka filmu roka: Verejnoprávne médiá nemajú slúžiť politikom, nepatria im [online]. Denník N, 7 April 2017, [cit. 7 April 2017]. Dostupné online.
^ ab28. ročník IGRIC[online]. AIC.sk, 29 September 2017, [cit. 2017-10-29]
^ abOTO 2016 s prekvapeniami, emóciami aj problémami! Pozrite si odhalené kompletné poradie nominovaných [online]. MediaBoom.sk, 12 March 2017, [cit. 12 March 2017]. Kapitola „Herečka roka“. Dostupné online.
^ abSlnko v sieti [online]. Slovenská filmová a televízna akadémia, 2008, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Kapitola „2008“ – „Nominácie“. Dostupné online.
^ abSlnko v sieti [online]. Slovenská filmová a televízna akadémia, 2014, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Kapitola „2014“ – „Nominácie“. Dostupné online.
^ ab25. Igric 2014 - Protokol o udelení cien (Výročné národné tvorivé ceny SFZ, ÚSTT a LF za audiovizuálnu tvorbu r. 2013) [online]. ilovefilm, s.r.o, 2014, [cit. 12 May 2015]. Kapitola „Igric a tvorivé prémie“. Dostupné online.
^ ab26. Igric 2015 (Výročné národné ceny SFZ, ÚSTT a LF za audiovizuálnu tvorbu r. 2014) [online]. ilovefilm, s.r.o, 2015, [cit. 12 May 2015]. Kapitola „Najlepší ženský herecký výkon vo filmovom alebo TV diele“. Dostupné online.
^Kočišek, Lukáš. Showdance vyhrala Zuzana Mauréry. Sledovanosť finále s Dianou Mórovou úvodný priamy prenos neprekonala [online]. Trend, 2014, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Dostupné online.
^nov. Kráľovnou Showdance je Zuzana "Beyoncé" Mauréry [online]. Korzár, 12 May 2010, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Dostupné online.
^Čížová, Lucia. Víťazka Zuzana Mauréry pre HN: Showdance ma oslobodila [online]. Hospodárske noviny, 12 May 2010, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Dostupné online.
^Kapitoly z environmentálnej politiky [online]. Príprava vydania Huba, Mikuláš; ilustrácie Mészárosová, Erika. I. vyd. Spoločnosť pre trvalo udržateľný život v spol. s BAO, Jún 2011, [cit. 15 July 2014]. (XII. diel.) Kapitola Otvorený list predstaviteľov kultúrnej a vedeckej obce a zástupcov občianskej verejnosti – K výzve sa pripojili, s. 26–28. Dostupné online.
^Huba, Mikuláš; Kronerová, Zuzana; Bútora, Ivan. Kampane – Žiadame zachovanie Parku kultúry a oddychu v Bratislave! [online]. ChangeNet, občiansky denník, 22 January 2010, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Kapitola K výzve sa pripojili. Dostupné online.
^Kráková, Dorota. Aktivisti: Nech mesto k PKO spustí debatu – Ochranári vyzývajú vedenie Bratislavy na verejné rokovanie o PKO [online]. SME, 11 February 2010, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Kapitola Prečítajte si otvorený list primátorovi Andrejovi Ďurkovskému (KDH). Dostupné online.
^Bratislavské visuté záhrady [online]. visutezahrady.bratislava.sk, 3 March 2011, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Kapitola Ambasádori. Dostupné online.
^ abTV Bratislava. Archív – Hostia a témy [online]. Televízia Bratislava, 16 March 2011, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Kapitola Visuté záhrady. Dostupné online.
^Výročná správa 2009 [online]. Nadácia pre deti Slovenska, 2009, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Kapitola Poďakovanie jednotlivcom, s. 53. Dostupné online.
^Výročná správa 2010 [online]. Nadácia pre deti Slovenska, 2010, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Kapitola Poďakovanie, s. 61. Dostupné online.
^ abcChangeNet. Blíži sa posledná výzva Hodiny deťom [online]. Nadácia pre deti Slovenska, 10 March 2010, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Dostupné online.
^ abGolf pre Hodinu deťom pod záštitou Petra Bondru [online]. Nadácia pre deti Slovenska, 13 August 2012, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Dostupné online.
^ abcV piatok sa začne ďalšia charitatívna zbierka na pomoc deťom [online]. Tlačová agentúra Slovenskej republiky, 15 November 2012, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Dostupné online.
^Humanitný projekt Aby bolo jasno, pomôže Kontu Bariéry sumou 17 085 eur [online]. Detský fond Slovenskej republiky, 21 September 2010, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Dostupné online.
^Na domácej pôde [online]. Štýl & Elán, Október 2010, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Kapitola Aby bolo jasno, s. 16. Dostupné online.
^Ročná správa 2010 [online]. SOCIA – Nadácia pre podporu sociálnych zmien, 2010, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Kapitola Kampaň a verejná zbierka Lienka pomoci – Vizuál „Staroba sa nás dotýka“, s. 27. Dostupné online.
^Lienku pomoci podporí aj výnos z predaja kalendára na rok 2011 [online]. SOCIA – nadácia pre podporu sociálnych zmien, 2010, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Dostupné online.
^Ročná správa 2012 [online]. SOCIA – Nadácia pre podporu sociálnych zmien, 2012, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Kapitola „Udalosti roka“, „Ďakujeme“, s. 6, 25. Dostupné online.
^red. Humanita [online]. Slovenská humanitná rada, 2010, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Kapitola Lienka pomoci, s. 7. Číslo 8, ročník XIX. Dostupné online.
^SOCIA. Koncert všetkých generácií [online]. SOCIA – nadácia pre podporu sociálnych zmien, 2012, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Lienkapomoci.sk. Dostupné online.
^Škrabálková, Margita; SHR. Humanita [online]. Slovenská humanitná rada, 2009, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Kapitola Nikdy nie je neskoro pripomenúť si víťazstvo ľudskosti, s. 5. Číslo 1–2, ročník XVIII. Dostupné online.
^Škrabálková, Margita; SHR. Benefícium 2008 - Víťazstvo solidarity a ľudskosti [online]. Slovenská humanitná rada, 2008, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Dostupné online.
^Dara Rolins, Robo Grigorov aj Zuzana Mauréry zapálili Plameň nádeje [online]. Denník 24hodin, 7 December 2011, [cit. 15 July 2014]. S. 16. Dostupné online.
^NotaBene. Kniha Júliusa pokrstená bozkom od Zuzany Mauréry [online]. Proti prúdu, 2 December 2010, [cit. 15 July 2014]. Dostupné online.